Monday, November 16, 2015

Swaps, swaps and more swaps!

I love swaps. Nothing better than finding a treasure in the mailbox
and making new friends.
This one is from the Teal Mini Swap.
An online fund raiser for Cancer.
I love my new mug rug. It's perfect for my computer table.
Everyone morning starts with a big dose of Internet fun!

I sent this one off to my partner. Just a bit of our glorious Colorado sunsets!  Most is done with my hand dyes.

This delightful table topper came from a
swap on the Scrappy and Happy Yahoo group.
Square in a square blocks was the theme.
My partner knew just how much I loved Halloween and 
enclosed a couple of adorable little appliques I could use if I chose.
Silly girl!!! Of course they were added!
How the heck did she ever guess I was a Halloween junkie?

My partner wanted pinks...
so pinks are what I used.
I sure hope she loves hers as much as I do mine.

Yep, swaps are great fun!


  1. Swaps are a lot of fun and yours look like they were extra super. Love both the given and the received. Creative Swap Bliss...

  2. What nice swapping!!! I know you had to love the Halloween bits. ;-)

  3. These are fun swaps. It looks like your partners really worked out what you like!

  4. Wow, Colorado Sunset is stunning! So glad you liked your Sq in a Sq (of course I knew you loved Halloween, silly, I'm a follower)


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