Thursday, December 10, 2015

Longarm Bobbin Storage

Now just how "cool" is this!
(get that little play on words)

My friend LaDonna, brought me this little treasure from the dollar store.
She mentioned that all the cubes were different sizes and wasn't sure just how it would work, but I have to say...
it's perfect.
It sure beats the old plastic box I was using. Here I can see just what I have and they are so easy to grab when I need them.

Having my extra needles and the wrench to change them out, at my fingertips is so convenient. No more searching for where I put them.

It all tucks right behind my bobbin winder. 
Could life get any better?

It's always fun to search the dollar store for treasures.
This ice cube tray comes as a 2 pack, so there is one to share...
or I could buy a bunch more bobbins!

Thanks LaDonna!  I love how you keep me organized!


  1. super idea! I have the little round ring thingys.

  2. Just as my Grandma taught me...Look at everything with "different eyes". She was uber creative and clever. Great idea for your bobbins.

  3. I need about 5 of to figure out how to mount them all on my wall...fabulous idea!!!

  4. I do love bonus finds like this one!


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