Monday, December 7, 2015

Moose on the Mantle????

I know you have all seen and heard the stories of the elf on the shelf.

The little one who is supposed to keep an eye on the children...
Well here in the Moosestash, we have one too, well sorta!

Meet "Moose on the Mantle"

Much like his elf prodigy, he can be quite a handful.
Yesterday was setting up the tree day...

Someone couldn't wait to get into the storage bag and get going on it.

Pre-lit trees are great, if your able to get all the lights to work the next year.  It never helps, when someone is trying to take a bite out of em.

Is it really help, to dig thru the ornaments?
All was well, until I saw this...

Oh no, we will not be putting up with these shenanigans!
The angel get the top of the tree!  Period .!.

Oh, and I'm not buying the story of wanting to be closer to your dad!

But I'm happy that you finally could learn to share the spotlight!

As a little reward, I shared an ornie of his brother with him.
You see, my good friend Marlene made this for him me!

Marlene was my swap partner in the Christmas Ornie exchange that Madame Samm organized earlier this year.
What a delightful package she sent. A little something for mom, and a little something for mantle moose!
Thanks Marlene, your so sweet.
You've made both of our day!


  1. What a naughty Moose you have there. What's his name?

  2. Moose on the Mantle is perfect for antics at Moosestash. Love your "personalized" ornament swap. ChristMoose Bliss...

  3. I love Moose on the mantle and his shenanigans.

  4. That is so cute. Of course your elf would be a moose!!! lol

  5. You have far too much time on your hands and look at the mischief you get into.
    This is more like Moose on the Loose or is it Joan Gone Wild?
    Your Moose does look like a lot of fun and the swap gift is lovely.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!