A big thanks to Meadow Mist Designs, for bringing bloggers from all over the world together to reminisce about what was best in 2016.
Like all fine wines... we have years that makes us the happiest.
I think I would have to rate 2016 as one of the top.
(you knew I would have to sneak that wine
thing in there now, didn't you)
Like all fine wines... we have years that makes us the happiest.
I think I would have to rate 2016 as one of the top.
(you knew I would have to sneak that wine
thing in there now, didn't you)
It started out, with me finishing my Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt.
For the first time ever, I kept up with the weekly clues...
The colors were way out of my comfort zone, but I love love love the finished quilt. Thanks Bonnie for helping me, break out of my box!
Then big that dreaded challenge...
Navigating the quilt world not only with a broken wrist, but having to learn to travel that world, left handed. No easy task for this righty!
It wasn't pretty, and times I was just downright crabby...
but my quilting buddies brought me around.
We worked on tissue holders for the "Meals on Wheels"
Valentine deliveries.
Heck, I got pretty good at sewing 1 handed.
Then, I managed the AccuQuilt GO cutter one handed to make my
Island Batik Mini Madness quiltie.
I was even reminded that all the blocks for another Bonnie Hunter quilt were done and in a tote. I was able to sew them all together and finish the quilt top one handed.
I had finished piecing this quilt top, for Wendy Sheppard's,
"Creative New Quilts and Projects" blog hop,
before I broke my wrist.
My dear friend JoAnn quilted it for me. I will forever
be grateful, for her help.
February was our "Planes Trains and Automobiles"
blog hop with Island Batik.
August was our "Seaside Summer" blog hop with Island Batik.
The monthly challenges with my fellow Island Batik
Ambassadors were so much fun.
I designed a couple of blocks for the
"In Our Garden" quilt along blog hop.
This row for the "Road Home" bloggers row along.
And this row for the Row by Row Experience this year.
More blog hops...
Oh I definitely have a thing for Halloween!
Susie Websters "Folk Art Quilted Traditions"
book kick off.
I went a little crazy with the Alaska Row by Row Experience.
If only I could manage to get my Colorado rows done...
Top of the list for next year!
I love my completed Bear Paw from the
Modern Challenge Bear Paw QAL
I'm continuing to add to my Sue and Sam Travel the World
BOM from "Seams to be Sew".
And this fun "12 Days of Christmas" from
"Seams to be Sew" and "Art Quilt Designs"
Yep, it was a very good year, and much of that has to do with YOU!
Yes, you are the reason I'm here, your visits and comments and the friends I've made along the way...
Well, there's just not much to say other than you are all the best!
And you all, make me a better person for it!
Pat yourselves on the back and continue to be, as wonderful as you are.
I look forward to things to come in the new year.
Your inspiration never ceases to amaze me.
I must take a moment to thank "Island Batik" and my wonderful fellow ambassadors. It's been an honor and a privilege to work with all of you.

We have one last blog hop coming up next month...
"New Beginnings"
We are showing off the new lines of fabrics about to hit the shelves.
You definitely won't want to miss it!
A "Fresh Snow" blog hop kicks off on
Jan 20th.
Fun snowy projects not made of
cotton quilt fabrics.
This one should be inspirational, for sure!
Have a very Happy New Year.
Til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'