Monday, May 2, 2016

Home Again, Home Again

I'm baaaaack!    Run for your lives. LOL!!
The retreat was a raging success, but then there was never a doubt. Seven days of stitching and socializing with the greatest gals and I'm plum worn out!   ;-)
My flights were perfect. Accept those EARLY morning hours. I think they tried to kill me!  LOL.  What beautiful photos you get that early.
I can't begin to rave enough about Delta. They were the best flights I've ever taken. 

Can you believe that they provided us with breakfast in the boarding area in Elmira? All this and a giant pot of coffee. It was so unexpected and so appreciated. It brought back a reminder, of past days of air travel.

The MooseStash Machine took a tumble.
It took a dive off the bag cart at the hotel. Yours truly was driving.
Gheez!  What can I say. I'm so glad it was on the way home. It would have been awful, not to have been able to sew for a week.
It went into the shop today and I should have word in 2 weeks on her.
Stuff happens, and it can be replaced.

On the up side, I can finally share my big secret!!!!!!!!

Do you remember me speaking of a secret awhile back?
Well, the cat was finally let out of the bag. We get to share the Row by Row Experience, for this year.
I designed this one for B-Right-On! 

Here's a better photo for you.

All this is new to me...
I hope everyone enjoys it, as much as I did designing it.
And a big thanks goes out to "Primsy Doodles" for allowing me 
to use their artwork.
I don't know about you, but I am excited for 
this experience, to get underway.

There is so much to tell you. Retreat photos to share, but my time is short right now. I got my airport badge today and start back to work tomorrow. Full time for a few days, but I promise to post soon!
                                                Keep on Stitchin!


  1. Wow, it must have been impressive if you thought the flights were good. And I really like airline providing breakfast items. Must be a bit of competition going on ?
    Your poor old machine does look very sad!
    I am thrilled you can now reveal your secret designing. I love it. What a big star you are. Just imagine how many people around the country will be stitching your row!!!!!

  2. You just keep outdoing yourself. I wish I could find new words to express my enjoyment of your creative ideas but alas I'm still going with just too darned cute. So glad you had a great time and home safe and sound, wish I could say the same for you little sweetheart. Hope it doesn't run you too much. What all did you sew at the retreat? Oh that's right it's coming later. I did not ou worked outside the house. So you actually work at the airport?
    Blessing and hugs

  3. So glad that your retreat was a better experience than your poor machine had. That was nice to read about Delta too. Kudos to them in this crazy cattle car transportation age!

    Love, love, love your row. I hope I can get my hands on it when it is released.

  4. Joan, love the row (congrats!) How nice of Delta, and very unusual, hope it's a new trend. Your poor machine, hope it gets better soon. Saw lots of pics from the retreat--have no clue which wonderful smiling face was yours! Welcome home

  5. great you're back safe, just realized you are raving about your competitor?! hmmmm


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