Friday, June 10, 2016

Simply Sign Me

I'm excited to announce that I am co-hosting a Signature Block Swap
with Marian of Seams to be Sew.

We "sew" love all our blogging buddies and internet friends.
Having a signature swap is just a little way of keeping them close to our hearts, don't you agree?

Marian has come up with some fabulous ideas...

The rules are simple...other than blocks needing to be 4 1/2" unfinished, there are no rules. You pick your block, you pick your colors, you make it all about "YOU". 
You can sign it with your name, date, city, state, country, area you live, URL, blog name, or phrase that says "this is me".
You can use a Pigma Pen to sign it,
You can embroider, machine embroider,
whatever your heart desires.

Were giving you plenty of time to participate.
Signups will be until Sept 9th, and blocks won't need to be mailed until March of 2017. That gives us all, plenty of time to get thru the holidays stress free. 

Once signup's close, we will know exactly how many blocks 
you will need to make. 
You'll send them to me along with a stamped, self addressed envelope. I will separate all the blocks and mail them back to you!

Easy Peasy!
Don't you want to play along with us???

The lovely Ms. Marian has all the details posted right

And you can sign up 

We've got a  Flickr group
to show off our blocks as we work on them

We've got a Facebook page

Oh that Marian has thought of everything!
So what are you waiting for???
We're waiting to hear from "YOU"

Keep on Stitchin'
(and signin' those blocks)

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking about it. Part of me is reminding myself that I said I wouldn't take on any more projects!


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