Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Power of the Web

I've been looking over my Pinterest board. It's really fun to go back and see all the things I've done. Looking to see the number of times something has been pinned. Getting a feel for what others like...

This one stopped me in my tracks!
Re-pinned 1.8K times.

I can't even count that high.
Yep the power of the web.
It's an international world we live in, 
and quilters are the best!

Friday is July 1
Do you know what that means?
It's MooseStash day to share our
 "In Our Garden" blocks

The boys and I have been busy designing...
We're hoping you love it!
See you Friday.

Keep on Stitchin'


  1. The power of the web is truly amazing and I can see why those cute Sue's would be repinned so many times. Cute! Can't wait to see your garden block so I can get sewing on it. :O)

  2. Of course you are popular. Always front page news over here!!
    Yes, it is impressive!!

  3. Love your quilt, but then I always love what you do!

  4. You always make the cutest things Joan. I am looking forward to your garden blocks. I am sure they will be awesome.

  5. Deservedly so!!!! Well done, Joan.


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