Saturday, July 2, 2016

Island Batik Modern Challenge...a month in review

Another month bites the dust...
Can you believe we are half way thru the year now?
Christmas will be here before you know it.

June brought loads of fun with our Modern Batik Challenge.

You can read more on each and every one, with the links below.
What are my fellow Ambassadors up to this month you ask???

My favorite time of the year to start the holiday projects.
It's never too soon to start those projects... around here anyway.

Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Great post Joan! There were all kinds of beautiful projects made with batiks this month!

  2. great post! thanks for doing it

  3. Those are all great. I really like the modern feel to yours.

  4. It is great seeing all of the designs together...there are so many talented women out there...thanks for doing this.

  5. Some amazing projects for the month.

  6. AWesome post! Nice seeing everyone's quilts brought together.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!