Friday, August 26, 2016


Panel prints can be fun...
Especially when they are for someone special.

This special person was my son's girlfriend.
So, how do I manage to make a child size panel,
into an adult quilt????

A few flying geese and mission accomplished!

I love using "Minke"on the back. It's so soft and comfy.

I think she liked it. This photo went on Facebook as soon as she got home.

Happy Birthday!
We love you.

Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Awesome. My little son LOVES it. He says the only thing missing is a banana LOL

  2. Great quilt. How can it help but make people smile?

  3. So cute. The geese are a great way of enlarging the quilt for a bigger size.

  4. aww how sweet. i dislike panels because they get skewed in the wash yours is so big and yellow, that it's easy and fun

  5. I love what you have done with this panel. It looks great!


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