Thursday, August 4, 2016

Still Rowing Along

A couple more of the Alaska Row by Row's

Bearly Threaded in Cooper Landing Alaska

This kit came from the Quilted Raven in Anchorage.
Barbara Lavallee is a well known Alaskan artist.
I've always loved her work.

Yep, there's no place like Alaska.

I can let you in on a secret of sorts.
Next month, Marian over at Seams To Be Sew
is hosting an online Row by Row.

Perfect theme to go with the 
"Home Sweet Home"

Best yet you don't have to leave home to participate in this one.
The rows will be free downloads!
Each and every one of us has designed a special row
of somewhere we call home.
(Some are out of this world)
Literally that is!
You know that I jumped at the chance, to do the Alaska row!

You can find a list of all the fabulous places 
we are visiting right

Oh and she has worked very hard, behind the scenes to get some incredible sponsors for this hop.
Lots of give aways that you are NOT going to want to miss!

Till then...
Keep on stitchin'


  1. Your rows are great! I love doing the row by rows.

  2. I love seeing these rows as you do them. They are all delightful!

  3. THe rows are great ! i Love to see the row again and again

  4. The bear row looks exactly like the Alaska I see on television. Love watching any shows about Alaska.


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