Saturday, October 15, 2016

I'm baaaack.... heavy! ;-)

Bet you'll never guess where I was!

It was "International Balloon Fiesta" time in Albuquerque NM

There is just something about seeing the skies light up with all these
wonderful "special shape" balloons.

I just can't get enough of the special shapes.
The balloon with the birds above, was actually 3 sided.

The weather was perfect the day we went.
I'm not that lucky every year.

I even played around with what I call my "Balloon Eclipse" photos.

Oh, I could go on and on...
but as hubs says, they all look just like the photos you took last year!

When I left, the landscapers had started on my yard...

Finishing up what we started last year.

Adding tires around my drive.

It's kinda crazy, but it works with the car pond.
And those tires light up at night.

Here's what it looked like when I got home.

Brand new lawn and topsoil, so we don't fight it another 35 years!

New picnic area with room for a fire pit...
the one that no one assembled while I was gone!

And my partially finished "outhouse".
Not a real one...
This used to be the kids playhouse when they were little.
Now it's just a place to store 
my patio furniture in the winter, and provide us 
 with a good laugh all summer long!

Lots of little things to do yet...
But it's starting to look up around here.

I just love this time of the year.

Now, I'm off to finish up my Island Batik Pumpkin Fest project.
Oh, I never leave home without my sewing machine.
I just need to get it quilted now!
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Your neighbors must think you are insane - but I LOVE it!

  2. We went to the balloon festival there years ago and it was amazing. What a fun yard project to return to! Love those tires.

  3. Oh, how I would love to visit your house!

  4. Thank you for taking us to the balloon festival with you. Those are amazing. We are under the local balloon flightpath so I see them occasionally here and I am thrilled every time. Definitely not in such fun designs though.

    I love your yard. We are car nuts and those details are great. Keep the progress photos coming. :)

  5. Amazing balloons...thanks for showing them. Love your yard.

  6. As I would say - "You have a two holer." I went to a grade school that had no running water. So we had two out houses. There was a kitchen that had been built on to the back of the school and the cook had to carry water from the well. The older kids (5th graders) had to carry waters to the crocks in the coat room for drinking water and hand washing water. One of the crocks was drinking water any time. The other crock was hand washing water. One person held the spigot and another handed out 1/2 paper towel. After lunch it was free for drinking, also. We had one room with grades 1-5, one teacher, and one cook - about 30 students from the community. I was the only girl in my grade.
    I love your shape pictures. I went three years ago. My daughter lives in ABQ. We got up early and we there before any of the shapes launched. It was cold and perfect. The wind picked up and launching was halted. The shapes were phenomenal. I'd love to go back sometime. My older grandson's spelling words that week had to do with ABQ and the balloon festival. We had lots of fun with the words, too. Thanks for wonderful pics. All I got were people's heads. I'm short and every time I'd go to shoot, someone would jump up in front of me.

  7. I don't care if the balloons do look the same each year, I still want to see them. I love the colours and the incredible imagination from their designers. They are such great fun!!
    As for your yard - that is amazing! I love seeing all the creative ideas you are putting into place around your home. Keep the photos coming to show the progress.


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