Monday, November 7, 2016

Home From Houston

It's always hard to come home from a fun trip to Houston with friends.
The International Quilt Festival was as wonderful as ever this year. We added and extra day to our trip and still didn't make it thru everything.
But our bags were full when we reached the airport and I even had an additional box of batting. LOL!!

Just because I don't have a zillion things on my plate already, 
I had to buy more patterns. 
I'm always on the lookout for Jacqueline de Jong's booth when I'm there.
While I haven't started on the one I bought 2 years ago...
I planned on adding another to my pattern stash.
Until her husband tormented me with that, buy one get one half off deal!
I'm a sucker for a yep, I've had to buy another!

Can I really go anywhere and not buy Halloween fabric?
It's a sickness I tell you.

For those of you who paper piece...
Add A Quarter has revamped their rulers.
Now one of the edges is a sharp edge, to use for folding...
No more looking for the postcard, when folding back papers.
It even came with a little pattern to practice with.

My big score of the show...
Fat Quarters!
Cause I needed them like a whole in the head, but they were 
25 for $20 and many of them are batiks!
That's $.80 each, who can pass up a bargain like that?

I also found some purse hardware, needles, a fingertip stiletto, starch brush, and special freezer paper for hand applique.
Yes, I'm going to give it a shot!

I got a good start on Christmas shopping done at the show.
Whoo hoo! 

Then of course, my box of batting. 
I do love Thermore by Hobbs and you just can't
 get it around here anymore.

One of the "Flying Quilters" that went along, 
bought a new sewing machine.
I'm always excited when it comes to shopping for new machines.
Actually, I guess I should say, she bought 2 machines.
Bernina, had a screaming deal on classroom machines from the show,
as well as a buy it and get your choice of adding an embroidery
unit or getting a little 330 machine free.
That little one is perfect for taking to classes.
OK, I'm really jealous of her and her new machines!

The other "Flying Quilter"...lets just say she went crazy in her own
way...She bought a new car the day before we left.

I kept my head...
I really wanted a "Feather Weight" machine, but I'm holding out
till I find a purple one. It wasn't to be had at the show. 

Maybe next year!

This wonderful surprise was in my mailbox when I returned home.
A delightful set of DVD's and tools from 
Paula Reid of "Batts in the Attic".
I can hardly wait to open it up and see what trouble I can get myself into.
A big thanks to Paula.
Your the best!

It was extra special to be able to meet up with, fellow Island Batik
Ambassador Suzy Webster and her mom.
They were dancing on Cloud 9 from winning first place for "group" 
quilts. Four of them worked on this stunning quilt. 
Believe me, this photo just does not do 
it justice. You go girls!

I've got lots of quilt photos to share...

Til then...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. So fun to meet you Joan! I know how you feel about Halloween fabric! I have the same addiction. I need that new Add a quarter ruler. It's now on my xmas list :)

  2. Sounds like you had a fun time at the show. It looks like you got some good deals.

  3. It sounds like an incredible trip. You will have your plate full for awhile.

  4. What a great trip. Those Halloween patterns are fabulous but I will try to resist. Can you tell me what the Halloween fabric is that has the pumpkin with witch hat (the one on the left) I may have to try to find that somewhere. You showed amazing control with the fat quarters. No way I could have stopped at one pack.

    I'm looking forward to more pictures of quilts from the show. The first pic is a great start.

  5. totally jealous you went to Houston!!

  6. This looks like a really amazing time. This is something I must plan to do in one of my trips - sometime!!!
    I like the sound of the sewing machine deals, but then buying a new car is pretty good, too.
    Great collection of patterns. Who is the designer of the one with the truck and Christmas tree? I have a friend currently making the Brilliant Beauties of Joy pattern. Early stages but looking great.
    Those fat quarters are an amazing bargain. Well done!
    You are right about the timing of the show being perfect for gift buying. Ours are all early in the year so not so useful unless I plan ahead - ha ha, that's a good joke!
    Thanks for sharing!!


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