If your living anywhere in the United States, you have likely had to deal with plenty of that "white stuff" lately. What a winter this has been.
Record snowfalls and ice storms.
Even the ole car pond was a bit cranky! |
There is nothing you can do, but hunker down and make the best of it.
For me it's the perfect time, to do some stitching in my sewing cave!
This blog hop has a bit of a twist to it, as you may have heard.
We have to use something other than your standard quilting cotton
to make our projects...
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
I've been collecting old jeans for years.
It's about time I got the totes of them out and put them to good use!
A little shopping trip to the clearance aisle in my fabric store...
I find this, what I call "Mystery" fabric.
Since it was half price and a remnant, I wasn't going to be out much if it didn't work, so I brought it home serged the edges, washed it in hot water and thru it in the dryer. It came out looking just like it did when I put it in the washer.
I'm not too sure just why the
Professional Cleaning Recommendation...
but then, what do I know!
With a theme like Fresh Snow...
This guy was a given!
I haven't made a raggy quilt in a very long time.
A layer of flannel in between the top and bottom adds
warmth and makes it"bloom" so nicely when it's washed.
Flannel on the back give you that extra snuggle effect,
we all love in the winter.
The boys do look happy don't they?
If you haven't ever made a denim quilt, they are wonderfully warm.
They wash up like a dream, and are heavy as heck.
My arms were sure tired by the time I got this all put together.
But it was well worth it when the temperatures dip down so low.
I am snug as a bug in a rug...
...watching TV at night, under my new quilt!
If I can fight it away from the "Queen of the Castle", that is.
Sharing is not her stong suit!
Now there is a little lesson I learned through this process.
That wonderful mystery fabric, does NOT like to be ironed.
Don't ask me how I know, it's a nightmare I would rather forget.
Use an applique pressing sheet when in doubt
and ask questions later!
Trust me, you will thank me for this some day.
Now for a couple of give aways.
Want a new project to do?
I've got a give away, also.
My BFF cleaned out her sewing room and
has given me lots of fun patterns to share.
This bundle will go to one of you lucky readers.
I will pick the winner on Saturday, Jan 28th.
Marian will select the wooly block kit winners, at the end of the hop.
A big Thanks for Marian for making us think outside the box.
She works so hard to keep us in "stitches"
Be sure you check out my fellow bloggers and see just what snowy creations they have come up with for you!
You know, I just have to share...
I found these when going thru that tub of jeans.
They are probably size 3-T.
My boys are in their mid 30's now.
OMG, I really need to clean out some stuff!
Keep on Stitchin'