Thursday, February 9, 2017

Making Me Awesome

When I got the call from my friend Amy over at "Sew Incredibly Crazy", 
I was all in!

How did she know that I'm a huge "coffee-holic"?  
She send over the pattern and I just had to sit down with...

a cuppa of "joe" and look over my mission!

This was going to be way too much fun.
I knew I had strips in my stash...
 just right for this easy log cabin project.

This 48" square beauty, really is the size of cup I would love to have coffee out of every morning. Oh, I suppose a cup that size,
 would make the actual lifting and drinking thing a nightmare.
But one can dream...

No matter the angle, it's just one happy quilt.

This pattern is just being released, 
you can check it out, over at Amy's
Be sure to tell her Joan and her "moose" boys sent ya!

You know...
 "Making Me Awesome" is a message we should all have for ourselves.
Cause in our own unique ways we just...

Till next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. I love, love, love this! You deserve that big ole' cup of coffee!

  2. Thank you so much for testing this for me!! You cup of joe is simply adorable.

  3. Got my Kuerig unpacked and ready to enjoy some coffee with ya the next time you come this way... Great quilt tho, nice pattern, love the pattern Amy created, but love your interpretation of it also.. Awesome!!!

  4. Love the finish!! Great range of fabrics, too, in the cream and blue. Gorgeous.
    As for a coffee cup that size - I don't see a problem. You have long straws don't you!

  5. Awesome? You betcha. Such a cute morning helper!

  6. Sometimes I think a coffee hot tub is just what the doctor ordered! LOL Love what you did with the pattern. Turned out great.


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