Monday, May 29, 2017

Cabin Fever BOM

I finally got myself on track with my "Cabin Fever" BOM.
It took a quilt retreat to make it happen, and what a perfect time to do so!

Here's the Block 1

Block 2
(my favorite so far...)

Block 3
(quite the challenge piecing, I must say)

...and Block 4

They are looking marvelous all together, aren't they?

You can find more on this fabulous BOM
from  Rebecca Mae Designs

I've already got the log cabin blocks pieced for next month.
Just a few more days until the next one is released!
Happy Dance!

Til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. These are beautiful blocks. I'm very impressed. I wouldn't even attempt those centers. Great job.

  2. I am so intrigued - your blocks are beautiful. Maybe it's time for me to attend another quilt retreat.
    Thank you for the inspiration!

  3. Those blocks are amazing. I love how you have done your corner blocks. Is that one of the options in the patterns? I am debating joining in.

  4. What fabulous looking blocks. Wonderful job!

  5. There is a huge amount of work in each block. They look amazing.


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