Wednesday, June 28, 2017

That's A Lot of Inches!

10,246 inches...
That "IS" a lot of inches.
That's 284.61 yards for you mathematicians!
E-gads, I just scared myself.
That's how much satin stitching I have done in the past 3-4 weeks.
Not sure if my machine or I am the most tired.

I started the celebration when I was making the last round on the last of the 218 boxes!

The piles aren't nearly as impressive as, the empty cones of thread and crochet cotton are.
There was a lot of thread that went into all this...

...but I'm not done yet.
Next we have to decide on photo size and get them satin stitched down on one side. The other side will have their initials and wedding date.
I'll be using a heat transfer material that will have to be designed and cut.  A project for tomorrow.
Thank goodness for friends who know how to do that!

In the mean time, I can get on some other projects that were on the back burner today! Kathie from Prairie Cottage Corner, I'm getting there.
Really I am!

Til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. I'm tired just thinking about that many stitches.

  2. You have been incredibly busy!!! I'm exhausted just reading about it!! Kathie will wait, she is one patient woman (she is in my little quilting guild!!) and knows how life can create diversions!

  3. Wow!!! You know you are really crazy, don't you???
    Aside from that, they are looking great. Goof luck with the finishing touches.

  4. Wow, wow, wow. These are amazing and I agree with Karen S. You are crazy! But I made over 300 hand dipped mini bundt cakes for my daughter's wedding so I have no room to talk about someone else being crazy. LOL


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