Monday, July 3, 2017

Bloomin' Bunnies!

I love a sale...

What's better than a 66% off sale, at Hobby Lobby? I just couldn't pass up this sweet little camper birdhouse.

This little wagon followed me home too.
Today, Lowes had a 50% off sale on almost all of their plants.
That made me a happy camper...

...until I looked out the window and saw this!
I had just set it out there.

Lets hope that face tells it all, and my plants taste horrible to Mr Bunny!

I've started on the other side of the "outhouse".
Had to bring out another tire!
Surprise, surprise.
It's a start...but there is more to come.
And "NO" the hubcaps are not up yet.
Hopefully tomorrow!

I'm working on training my Morning Glory plant to wrap around a couple of  old tree stumps.

My Coleus has giant leaves on it

Yep, even with all the heat, my flowers are looking pretty darn good!
That's completely new for someone who knows nothing about gardening.
I guess there is something to this fertilizer thing after all!

I almost forgot to share this photo.
A little hanky panky going in the the garden.
Apparently a lesson on the birds and the bees would do them well!

Til next time...
Keep on Stitchin' 


  1. Ohh--I love that bunny--at first I thought is was a fake one and it looks so cute in front of your red wagon--then I realized it was a real rabbit--maybe you should 'pay' him with a carrot or two for sitting there and adding to the wagon decor!!!!
    enjoy the moments, di

  2. Your flowers and settings are all just wonderful. Mr Bunny wouldn't last in my yard as a certain red tabby loves bunnies.

  3. Your flowers and arrangements are beautiful. And the bunny is cute even if he is eating your plant. Think of it as he is deadheading your plant so it grows more.

    Happy 4th.

  4. I like the take on Jacqueline thought of the bunny. Everything is soooo cute and your plants are just beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen you post without fabric be involved before. I kept waiting for one your cute projects. I know, you're going to double time us on the next post. 8-)
    Have a great 4th.

  5. your flowers are lovely. oh my how adorable is that bird house. love the wild life

  6. The camper and wagon are great buys. I love Hobby Lobby but I don't go often because I see so many things I didn't go there for. My flowers were doing so well and gorgeous until the day before yesterday. The Japanese Beetles (JB's)have arrived and they are gorging and breeding among my Cannas and Hollyhocks! I pick them off and throw them in soapy water but they have big holes in the flowers already. Whatever you do, don't buy those Japanese Beetle traps that contain their pheromones. I put them out once and I swear we had every JB in the neighborhood come. I set it way back pass the alley and although I got tons of JB's, there was still a ton eating my flowers. They are such a pretty iridescent color and some people even use beetle wings in surface embroidery. They are welcome to gather all my JB's up if they want.

  7. I wouldn't want to mess with drying beetle wings either. If you google beetle wings for embroidery there is someone on Etsy that sells them. They are a different type of beetle but such a pretty iridescent color.

  8. I do love all the new purchases. Your garden will be looking wonderful if you can keep those pesky rabbits out of the way. Your plants are looking wonderful.
    I am impressed.

  9. I like your gardening containers. My daughter has been an RV electrician for 20 years. Our area is the RV manufacturing capitol of the world. I saw one of those birdhouses at Menards and had to get it for her.


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