Back to school time...
and the Island Batik ambassadors are cracking open the books!
Homework assignment...
I need to find the perfect project to show off just how fabulous, Kathy Engle's
"Olivera" line of "Island Batik" fabrics really is!
You can see more of this incredible line right
After searching thru my shelves of books...
the perfect project, for these gorgeous fabrics was in here.
I put myself "back to school"a few years ago.
Every quilter finds that a class from time to time,
really opens up their creative juices
of course as we all know, we never "stop" learning.
It's a time when we are "called" on our bad habits and taught new and fun techniques.
The class I took, was from the "Nickel Quilt" lady Pat Speth.
WOW, does she know just how to teach and provide for a fun filled day.
(You'll find more on her at the end of this post)
I can't wait to share my "Back to School" project.
"Morning Star"
Skill level...easy
(That's what we all, want to hear)
This quilt really shows off the depth and incredible array of color
in this line, don't you think?
(with the help of "ye old car pond" of course)
When you make stars, you have lots of half square triangles you trim off.
There was quite the pile, of these left over, but they are just too small to piece.
I couldn't help but keep them, as it's my
"no scrap of batik left behind" motto.
The next challenge...what to do, what to do???
I found my perfectly matched "Aurifil" thread, and went to work,
stitching down these little guys.
A skewer really helps keep those tips in place under the feed dogs
I know you've got to be thinking...
what the heck???
I'm not the kind of quilter who sits down and plans a project on paper.
No, that would be way to easy. I just start cutting fabrics and sewing willy nilly.
There was a vision, but no "concrete" plan in my head.
I know it's silly, but what better than this frilly little pillow!
When it was all over, there were still triangles left.
I went back to my old favorite, making scrap fabric.
I'd like to think it's my way of "saving the planet". The ultimate recycling...
but it's just plum crazy, I know!
If your up for a little of that "crazy" yourself, check out
"Dog Ear Fabric" under my tutorials link on the right hand side of my blog.
It's amazing what you can throw in, to make your own "unique" piece of fabric!
With the help of my Accuquilt GO "Sun Bonnet Sue" die,
I've got a little wall hanging to go along with everything.
Even if I feel like being outside, it's perfect for my glider by the pond!
I can sit and keep an eye on those fish of mine.
Yes, apparently someone needs to...
I see there has been some hanky panky going on again this year.
I've got more baby fish.
A "School" I believe that is!
I promised a little more info on Pat, the Nickel Quilt Lady...

Pat has designed loads of fun quilts and written numerous books
on just how to use those fabulous 5" squares.
(Stamps, as Island Batik calls em)
There's nothing better, than a class though, where she shares the best tips
and short cuts. She's a stickler for a perfect 1/4" seam and teaches just how to achieve that, too!
You can read up more on her
...and if you ever get the opportunity to attend one of her classes, I highly recommend it!
She'll get you on the road to busting thru your scraps.
It's giveaway time...
Island Batik is giving one lucky winner a fat quarter pack of "Anchors Away".
The moose, here in the stash "seam" to think we should have a give away too.
There was a very unexpected bonus here...
done with some of my hand dyes perfectly.
Thanks Island Batik.