Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Early Rise

I'm not an early riser most days...
but today, I was awake before the sun.
There was a beautiful glow on the horizon as I jumped out of the shower, 
so I grabbed my camera.
I love those days were I see a pink glow on the old car pond.
Even "outhouse heaven" caught it...
but it didn't last long.
In a blink of an eye, things turned yellow.
Yes, it's frost you see on top of the fire pit cover.
Freezing out here.
So I headed in for my morning "cuppa".

The sunrise was icing on the cake this morning, but it's a melancholy 
kinda day. I can't quit thinking about the sewing world loosing Nancy Zieman yesterday.
Many of us grew up watching "Sewing with Nancy".
I was fortunate enough to be able to work for her at 
"Sewing Weekend" for a few years.
What fun times those were. Nancy was incredible to all of us.
A little piece of me couldn't help but think today,
 that that beautiful sunrise was Nancy's spirit shining thru.
Promising us, beauty and joy here on earth.
Nancy, you will be missed, but I know the heavens have found a creative force,
 like no other.
Keep them in stitches girl.
Hugs to your friends and family, who are dearly missing you.

...til next time
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Gorgeous pictures. I had that morning pink glow too which is like a promise. I agree with Sharon lovely thoughts and tribute.

  2. Your sunrise pics do look lovely but it must be so cold. Winter is definitely on the way.
    Lovely to read your memories of Nancy.

  3. She was such an amazing woman and inspired so many of us.

    The early glow is a great welcome to each day.

  4. Yeah, Nancy was great, and I only "knew" her from her show. What a privilege it must have been to work with her.


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