Friday, January 19, 2018

Busy Busy Busy...

I know you think I've fallen off the face of the earth...
But that just isn't "sew"
The machine is working at "warp speed" down in the MooseStash.
Feb 1 is my day to post on the Four Seasons blog hop.
Oh, I just can't wait to show you, what's about to hit the shelves in your quilt shops!
Hint know why I'm just giddy!

Feb 8, I'm gonna share the LOVE.
I'm "sew" excited about this one too!
There's a little something for everyone. Just sayin'
Oh no...I guess you will have to wait to see the rest of it!

There are new Island Batik Ambassadors and more fun challenges ahead.
To celebrate "International Quilting Day"
the "Quilt Qwazy Queens" are going to be actually finishing their UFO's 
and showing them off. 
Can I really finish all of mine in "this" lifetime?
April 13th...can't wait to see your reaction!

I'm working away designing blocks for 
It's a "Wild" Life!

All this and they want me to fill out this "Census" stuff and do my income taxes.
Does it look like I have time for that kind of "crap"?
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Yikes!!! Do you sleep?! :) Can't wait to see your projects!

  2. OMG did I see raccoons?!?!?! How sweet....Can't wait.

  3. Looks like you have a lot planned out already - and that is only for the next few months. I am sure I can see the steam coming out of your work room from here!! And I am of course looking forward to seeing all that you can create!!!
    No way had you fallen off the face of the earth - we would have heard all the commotion if that had happened!

  4. I think the busier I am sewing, the less I appear on my blog or visit anyone else. It does look like we're doing nothing, doesn't it. Not true! My list of blog hops, BOM, and challenges looks a lot like yours. Fun times ahead! I love that car that you use in pics...awesomeness. I'm looking forward to seeing your heart!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!