Friday, February 2, 2018

Gnome for the Holidays

When Sindy at Fat Cat Patterns released the "teaser" for her new BOM
"Gnome for the Holidays"
my heart went pitty pat!
Waiting til Feb 1 for the first block was agony!
Block 1:  Downloaded and complete. Check.
I just love these guys.
Also in "check" is my game plan...
I've pull fabrics from my stash, cut all my background blocks, and am ready for block 2.
How many days til Mar 1????

You can join in on this free BOM
I showed you my block...
now you show me yours!
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Oh my gosh! I downloaded and thank you for sharing this as it has been a long time since I visited her site.

  2. Wow you are on the ball. I downloaded, but that is as far as I got. Sweet block.

  3. So so sweet. I'm not sure if I like you or hate you for sharing the where to get info. so thanks, I think. ;-}

  4. I can see this one appealing to you. Love the fabrics you have selected.

  5. Tank you for the reminder about this adorable BOM. Yours is so cute.

  6. wow what a beautiful pattern and fabrics this looks like such a fun project xx

  7. Well, I decided to take the plunge and make the first block.
    This will be a fun BOM.

  8. That is so cute. I may have to join this one too.

  9. OMG I forgot all about that BOM. Thanks for the reminder. This is going to be so cute!


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