Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Privacy Policy for "MooseStashQuilting"

For MooseStashQuilting

To keep in compliance with they new "GDPR" I understand that I must share my Privacy Policy.
I am a small blogger with no attorney, or IT knowledge and no staff to help decipher the "legalese" of all of this.
I do not knowingly have cookies on my blog.
Chocolate chip or any other...
 (I've got to throw in a little humor with all this, sorry)
...with the exception of my affiliate program participation. 
Which allows me to support this blog and explore new things to share with you.
There is more information on this, below.
You can turn off "cookies" on your computer in your browser settings, 
but that may limit your access online.

I've stated many times before, that this blog is to promote the love of quilting. I've made friends across the globe and value each and every one of you and your friendship and support.

I don't store information without your permission. 
I do organize blog hops from time to time, where I do need to store information, which can include your name, email and blog URL. I do link your blog for blog hop purposes only.
If you agree to participate, I am assuming you give me permission.
 I don't knowingly give any information to third parties...with the exception on my 
affiliate program participation disclosed below.

I from time to time I link things that I feel are of interest from other quilters. 
If ever you get traffic from my blog from a link I have provided,
that you do not want, please contact me, and I will remove the link immediately.

If you have signed up to follow me by email, I assume you are giving me permission, 
as you signed up.
If your following me thru Bloglovin or any other blog based group, 
you have given permission there also.
 I do take copyright infringements seriously. 
I will not share patterns or designs, so please do not ask me.
Affiliate Program Participation
My blog may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding
tracking links into the posts. If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will
be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.
What won't change...
My blog is my own personal place to talk about my love of quilting
and hopefully inspire others.
 I value each and every one of you.
 My goal with this blog is to inspire and entertain you
down this crazy quilting road we all love to travel.
That's all...
Oh, accept make new friends along the way!
Please feel free to contact me for any reason...

Communications are impossible if you are a no-reply blogger.
If you leave a comment and don't hear back from me, it's because I do not have 
email addresses to contact you. You can always add it to the comment.
I suggest you post it on the lines of this...
calicojoan at aol dot com
That format makes it harder for robots to pick up and use.



  1. Sad that this needs to be done but you did what appears to be a good job of it. Everything you said is understandable non legalese. I'll still follow you.

  2. This is all so crazy. I'll still follow you too.

  3. Should we resort to smoke signals.
    And i will have the chocolate chip cookies, please.

    1. You have to, I'd miss you too much. I'm turning the oven on right now! LOL!

  4. I haven't done this yet. Does everyone with a blog need to do it

    1. Honestly, I am not sure. The more I read online, the more confused I am. I'm playing it safe!

  5. I laughed out loud...I almost added "I eat cookies" on my policy. I'm with you, I'd rather just post this so I can move on to sewing.

  6. Well I plan to continue to follow you even if you don't supply me chocolate chip cookies but I won't argue if you do. I haven't posted any privacy rule blurb on my blog. Now you make me wonder if I should. My blog is my personal adventures and quilting.

  7. This GDPR is such a pain for everyone and very few (including me) understand how it will affect us and our "private" blogs. Does blogspot still notify you of comments via email and can you reply via email or only as a response on your blog? I know that unless I get an email, I don't know about comments nor do I go back to see if the blogger has answered my comment on their blog. Sigh, oh bother.

  8. Like someone else said, "If you don't want your stuff shared, then stay off the internet!" Just so ridiculous to me!

  9. I also value you and do hope that this change with GDPR will not change you sweet bloggers. Thank you for writing such a fun, informative blog. I look forward to more and more of the same. bull tulip 69 at gmail dot com (no spaces)


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