Sunday, April 7, 2019

Ready Set "GO" with Island Batik

This month "Island Batik" challenged it's ambassadors to make a baby quilt
with the "Accuquilt GO" cutters we received this year.
Let the fun begin!
After pulling out some bright fun fabrics, I started cutting away.
I had some fun with "Y" seams, earlier this year.
While I conquered them, it was a challenge.  
So I decided now was the time to try it again,
using the "GO" and see if that made them easier to stitch.
Well, I'm here to tell you that answer is
Just look at those star points. I'm doing the happy dance here!
Having the corners trimmed instantly for you, makes all the 
difference in the world in piecing.
It makes those points stitch up perfectly...
and takes the "why" out of those "Y" seams!
Winter is finally giving way to spring here, so I
  took advantage of the sunshine to show off these fabulous fabrics.
Kind of makes your heart go pitty-pat, doesn't it?

A big thanks to
For so generously providing us with supplies!
Your both, second to none.
Check out the Accuquilt specials...
Accuquilt Dynamic Promo
The new Spring and Summer catalogue
for "Island Batik" is out, and oh is there eye candy to behold!
You can find it

NOTE: this post contains an affiliate link.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Beautiful Joan! You did a fabulous job.

  2. looks awesome! I would have flipped the corners so it wouldn't be a Y seam, yours looks just great!

  3. Hej Joan,
    these fabrics are so beautiful and the Quilt looks wonderful, too! Love the batik fabrics... best wishes from Denmark, Ulrike .0)

  4. Beautiful! Love the different shades of red. Turned out fabulous.

  5. Wonderful points and wonderful use of the cube!

  6. Very nice. Glad it was easier too.

  7. Pretty star quilt, I like how the 2 reds gives it more dimension.

  8. I love it but to be honest, I would probably have avoided the Y-seams even though I know how to do them.

  9. Such a pretty quilt - I'm not a 'sane' quilter because attempting seams like this would be a complete lesson in frustration (especially when I can't even sew a straight line and keep it true!).

  10. lovely quilt! Congrats on conquering Y seams

  11. I am impressed. Great result and perfect points. Lovely to see you enjoying the sunshine.


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