This month the Island Batik Ambassadors trying something new,
or showing you techniques, you may not have tried before.
This is always one of my favorite challenges.
I inspires me to get out of that "box" I put myself into
and give something new, a whirl.
Well, not exactly like this though!
No, for this one I'm going to talk about binding irregular shaped quilts.
This is "Hen Party".
And these "Island Batik" fabrics make these "chicks" come to life, don't you think?
I was able to use part of a "stack" of "Paisley Dot" for the background.
This is one of my favorite fabric lines.
These are just a sampling of the beautiful fabrics in this "Stack".
I've used much of it, in other projects.
I've not personally ever added little wings to my quilts before, but
wow, does that give it some pizzazzzzzz!
It's really as easy as stitching your "wings",
by matching the centers and pressing them out.
Where the trick comes in, is with binding it.
While I took this photo before it was quilted...
You will want to reinforce stitch the inner corner once that has been done.
Stitch, just a few threads inside of the 1/4"seam allowance.
Then clip to your stitching line.
When attaching your binding, stitch to the center of the clip and stop.
Raise your feed dogs.
Give things a tug, until it's your piece is straight.
Lower your feed dogs and keep on stitching.
You will want to check that corner once your past it to make sure
you kept that quarter in seam. It's easy to jump in a bit there.
If so, just go over it again. The second time is usually the charm!
When pressing your binding out,
press in a little pleat at each inner corner.
Before you start stitching down your binding,
flip your project over and stitch a tuck
about half way up from your stitching line
at each inner corner, on just the underside layer of your binding.
As you can see, you will get beautiful results on both the top and bottom,
at those inner corners.
A big thanks it "Island Batik" for supplying these fabulous fabrics.
As well as to "Hobbs" for their batting. I am a huge fan of
"Thermore" batting. It's great for those project you want to lay perfectly flat.
Of course it goes without saying...
"Aurifil" thread is a must for stitching any project.
So you love those crazy hens as much as I do?
Well, you can find them and lots of other fun animal projects in this book
from Annie's Craft Store
Price: $7.99
Pattern in a downloadable format
- Animal Attraction

- Price: $14.99
- Or in a book format.
- *Please note these are affiliate links*
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'