Saturday, June 22, 2019

QAYG Made Modern

 "We’re shining a spotlight on some of our best sellers of all time,
 and this one made me think of you"
That was the happy mail I received from C&T Publishing, the other day.
They asked if I would review the book and do a project to share on my blog.
It just made my toes tingle and only took me 
all of 2 seconds to respond...yes, yes...of course I would!
I love QAYG projects. They are a great way to use up all those batting scraps,
 that tend to build up over time. 
Interestingly enough, this was another QAYG technique that I hadn't personally
tried out myself and I love learning new things.
I found this layer cake friendly project "Ballard Blocks", really spoke to me. 
I don't work with "Modern" fabrics much, but I've got some fun things in my stash, 
that I knew would work great.
The choices were tough...
There were all these fun food/snack fabrics...
 Or my treasured collection of what I like to call, the
"Naked Boys" from "Alexander Henry" fabrics.
Or this fun fat quarter stack of Parisian fabrics...
Decisions, decisions
Then, I stumbled on one of my all time favorites
Yep, that was it! It had to be a coffee quilt.
I had a panel print with 12 designs on it.
They were not 10" squares...
But, guess what...
This book teaches you how to build out your blocks right on your batting.
Heck ya, you can easily combine techniques from this book.
Adding a little sashing is easy, but they go into piecing 
different blocks, including a star block, too.

With the help of coordinating prints and a fun border...
This is my new crazy and highly caffeinated  QAYG quilt.
A perfect addition to my kitchen theme.
Sew... what do you think?
If you want to try some fun new QAYG techniques
you can find more on this book...
A big thanks to C&T Publishing for thinking of me.
This was a really fun, way to play!
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Highly caffeinated and wonderful quilt for sitting out with a cup of caffeine on the deck in the early morning ... :) Pat

  2. Coffee is always a good choice! I may need to consider that book.

  3. The coffee quilt is great! I love those naked boys and the Paris fabrics are so pretty!!! I love Paris fabrics.

  4. This does indeed look like fun! I love the coffee fabric too (not that I happen to be addicted to the stuff or anything of the sort!).

  5. This is a pretty quilt in those coffee it! You have the most interesting fabrics in your stash. I don't have any naked guys hidden in my stash, but they are very entertaining looking.


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