Thursday, August 1, 2019

Beat the Heat Blog Hop

Are you sweltering?
It's hotter than blazes here in the MooseStash, 
but you can cool down starting Monday Aug 5,
when the "Island Batik" ambassadors share 
the new "cool" lines of fabrics 
hitting the store shelves.
Here's our schedule...

Monday August 5
Leanne Parsons Blueberry Patch 
Sherry Shish Blueberry Patch 
Tuesday August 6
Bill Locke Clockworks
Lisa Nielsen Clockworks
Wednesday August 7
Sandra Walker Electric Desert
Terri Vanden Bosch Electric Desert
Thursday August 8
Pamela Boatright Enchanted Forest
Kathleen McCormick Enchanted Forest
Friday August 9
(whoop whoop)
Monday August 12
Karen Neary Garden Party
Carol Moellers Garden Party
Tuesday August 13
Michelle Roberts Geared Up
Wednesday August 14
(Debora) Anne Wiens Graphic Gems
Gene Black Graphic Gems
Thursday August 15
Tina D Dillard Kaleidoscope
Bee Lee Kaleidoscope
Friday August 16
(whoop whoop)
Monday August 19
Joanne Hart Petal Pushers
Carla Henton Petal Pushers
Tuesday August 20
Connie Kauffman Quiet Shades
Vasudha Govindan Quiet Shades
Wednesday August 21
Vicki Schlimmer Seedlings
Thursday August 22
Gail Sheppard Soil & Seeds
Friday August 23
(whoop whoop)
Monday August 26
Maryellen McAuliffe Steam Engine
Jennifer Strauser Steam Engine
Tuesday August 27
Connie K Campbell Sunny Side Up
Joan Kawano Sunny Side Up (my day)
Wednesday August 28
(whoop whoop)
Is that 4 giveaways I see???
Why yes it is and your not going to want to miss any of this!
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!