Friday, August 23, 2019

Stickin' My Neck Out

It's back to school time.
While it no longer affects me much,  I know it frees up
stitching time for many.
Can we say "Happy Dance"? 
This cutie pie is actually a bookmark, that's perfect for kids!
With all the reading that will need to be done, for the school year...
He's just perfect.

This is from "Animal Attraction" from Annie's.
There's a flamingo that is designed for a scissors holder that would be "sew" cute too!
Think of all the events at school, when treats are needed. 
A handful of bookmarks would be fun, and better than sweet treats.
They are quick and easy to put together and just take scraps.
Scatter a few hearts on him and you've got a perfect "Valentine".

You can read more on this fun book by clicking the photo.

Note: affiliate links included in this post

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. This little guy is a happy-maker! So very cute and perfect for anyone who loves to read (I was going to say a child that loves to read and then I thought better of it because I think a good many adults would love to see this face peeping out of their book).

  2. So cute Joan--perfect for anyone who reads, including me. I also love the little owl, but couldn't tell from the picture what it is. Is it a bookmark too?

  3. That is so cute and would make such a fun gift.

  4. I need one, I'm a big giraffe lover who loves to read! He is just the sweetest:)

  5. This is so sweet. What a gorgeous idea. Love your work!
    Had a quick look at the book and there are some lovely ideas.

  6. I always loved book marks. Too, too bad that so much of my reading is now done on the nook. It's like loosing touch with old friends.

  7. He's a cutie and makes a great bookmark!


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