Monday, September 16, 2019

Having a bit of fun...

This is "Sue the Squirrel"
She is one of the "Funky Friends Factory" adorable stuffed animal patterns,
that I made in someone's favorite color!

You see a few weeks ago on my way to quilt club, I saw a squirrel
that had been run over in the street.
When I got there, I went into my "ewwwwwwe...there's a dead squirrel" story, 
only to find out that one of our own was telling her story
 of hitting the poor little guy!
 She was visibly upset!

So what would all good quilt club folks do?

Your absolutely right, we went shopping for squirrel yard ornaments
and decorated her yard while she was on vacation!

This one's "nuts" light up at night.

We even added a little note before we left them.

As soon as she got home the texts started to fly.
We didn't admit to anything for 3 days.
She asked her neighbors who were taking care of her yard about it, and
when they claimed the squirrels weren't there the last time they were over,
 that comment was met with a response of 
"how well do you know these neighbors" and "do you trust them"?
We were dying laughing behind those texts!

But the best was when someone, who shall remain nameless drove by after work
one night and reported back that, yes, indeed the "nuts" were glowing in the dark!
Oh my goodness the joy it brought everyone.
Can you believe she even brought the little note off the squirrel 
to quilt club last week to compare handwriting?

Yes Joi...Deb and I had a blast with this prank!
I hope you and your new friends live long and prosper.
And you keep all those words of wisdom headed our way...
cause we are enjoying that last one...
It' really is OK to be a little nuts!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Oh my, this is too funny! It sounds like something my friends and I would do! :)

  2. LOL this is hilarious! Your purple squirrel is adorable.

  3. My middle daughter and I have a squirrel thing going on too. She lives in an apartment in downtown Portland, she calls them urban rats. Her kids have snuck peanuts out onto the window sill outside to attract them. They come and knock on the windows demanding treats. She is coming around to become a squirrel lover.

  4. This is the best posting!! Love the story but I'll admit it was the poster of Squirrel Advice that really caught my eye. My husband started telling 'squirrel' stories back 40+++ years ago to our sweet little ones. Usually they were told to teach them about life and to keep them safe. As the years have progressed, he now uses some of the same stories with the grands! :) I thought Squirrel Advice was a "Fr..." thing but now I know, it's hit the big time. Thanks, Joan.

  5. What fun you had!!! I'm amazed you were able to keep it from her for 3 days!! Love your purple squirrel!!

  6. Oh the fun you've had with this! I needed a good chuckle this morning and you delivered nuts and all.

  7. You are too funny and have so much fun! Thanks for sharing!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have plenty of squirrels in my yard but none are purple. So colorful!

    My grandparents had a stuffed squirrel in their living room. I was always attracted to it for some reason. I don't remember my grandfather ever hunting so I don't know how they acquired the squirrel.

  10. Oh my goodness, that is too funny! Best laugh I have had today. Thanks!

  11. Awwe. A squirrel was my first and only road kill so far too. I've learned to NOT swerve....and have saved a few squirrels already.

  12. sure gave me a smile, other than the dead squirrel. Love the idea you flew with you nutty bunch of friends.

  13. That is so much fun. I like pranks like that because they are funny and no-one is upset or offended. It really gives everyone a great laugh.
    And of course, Sue the squirrel looks decidedly delightful.
    Well done!

  14. First off I love the squirrel stuffed animal. But the story was too funny. I scared my dog when I laughed out loud at the glowing nuts.
    Y'all are good.


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