Oh were, oh where did my November blocks go???
I was so ahead of schedule...
Blocks were done, pattern were written months ago...
Then drat!
They are nowhere to be found????
That's the organization around here, I guess!
But never fear... the quilt fairy was here...
and things looked brighter in the light of day!
We have our harvest "Cornucopia" this month.That's I word I have known for years, but I had no idea what it really met.
So off to the dictionary I went.
Cornucopia definition is - a curved, hollow goat's horn or similarly shaped receptacle (such as a horn-shaped basket) that is overflowing, especially with fruit and vegetables (such as gourds, ears of corn, apples and grapes) that is used as a decorative motif emblematic of abundance--called the horn of plenty!
Goat horns huh???
That has to be a story in itself!
My emblematic abundance, would call for that horn to be stuffed with fabric!
This is Tiramisu...a great coordinating pieced block to go along with it.
I really considered being a "Turkey" and not releasing the bonus block just yet...
But we are rolling into holiday season, and that would just not right
tee hee hee
So, here you go...
Remember these blocks are free for the month of November only.
After that they will be available for a small fee of $1.50 each,
paid through Paypal to Calicojoan@aol.com
Please note what patterns you are requesting.
Only 2 months left, and I can't wait to see what's in store.
Don't forget to share your blocks on our Facebook page
We have sponsors who are providing fabulous monthly prizes.
Here is the schedule for this year...
April Bonus
May Bonus