Thursday, December 26, 2019

Quilt Qwazy Queens Blog Hop

I do hope you all had a wonderful Christmas,
with lots memories made!
Now that the shopping, wrapping, cleaning and cooking are done,
it's time to focus on what's next.
Worldwide Quilting Day is March 21st.
It's a day to celebrated quilt makers around the globe.
We can "drool" over their talents, admire their love of  the art, 
and realize just what an incredible community, quilters are.

2020 starts a new decade, and I decade, new attitude.
 I can't think of a better way to ring it in, than with a big ole 
Everyone can use a little laughter in their day.
"Psychology Today" says "laughter just might  be the most contagious
of all emotional experiences. What's more, it is full-on 
collaboration between mind and body.
The Benefits of Laughter...
Although laughter is not generally under voluntary control, "yukking" it up has numerous health benefits. Bouts of laughter can boost the immune system, relax muscles, aid circulation and protect against heart disease. They abet mental health, too. Laughter can lower anxiety, release tension, improve mood and foster resilience. Of course laughter also enriches social experience, by strengthening relationships, helping to defuse conflict, and allowing people to successfully operate as a team. The benefits of laughter, for both bodies and minds, show that contagious convulsions are anything but frivolous.

 Laughter and quilting have a lot of similarities, don't you think?
So with that being said...
This year's "Quilt Qwazy Queens" Worldwide Quilting Day's theme is
"Making Us Laugh".

The rules are simple...
Make something "quilty" that will..."Make us Laugh".
Share in a post on your assigned day with a list of your fellow blog hoppers.
You could do a tutorial, or share a pattern, have a give away or not have one.
It's totally up to you. Visit every one's blog during the hop and leave your sweet comments.
Those really do make us smile!

Want to be part of this giggle-fest?
Send me an email with "making us laugh" in the subject line.
and the following information...

Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL
a preference of dates, if you have any.

The "QQQ" blog hop will start on Wednesday March 18.
My plan is 18th, 19th. 20th, 23rd and 24th.
We won't run it on Saturday or Sunday the 21st-22nd.
Of course we can extend it on, if needed.
"Sew" who wants to jump in and make us laugh?
Please feel free to share the QQQ Making Us Laugh button at the top!

A big thanks to Marian at "Seams To Be Sew" who has hosted this hop,
 for many years.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. This sounds like a lot of fun! I'll email you when I am home from Christmas partying!!!

  2. Of course you are in charge of a funny blog hop! Count me in!(no Monday not Fri)

  3. looks sew fun ... sending email ... :-) Pat

  4. I'm looking forward to it! You've already got my info--can't wait!

  5. This sounds perfect. Lovely way to start the year. Hope you get lots of participants.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!