Saturday, December 21, 2019

It's never to late for shopping!

The machines in the MooseStash have been running at warp speed, 
and soon I will be able to share...

It's a crazy busy time of the year, but if you have a few minutes, 
 visit Annies today.
They are having a 50% off sale on 1000+ pattern downloads.
Here are a few...

I'm planning ahead for next year with these great finds...

There's lots more to see.
If you love knitting, crochet, needlework or sewing, you won't want to miss this sale.
Best yet...there's no shipping. These are immediate downloads!

Happy Shopping!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Great finds.... I'm in the pincushion book!

  2. Love seeing what you are planning to make. Some of those pin cushions lo0k like fun. I know you will come up with some great variations.


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