Friday, December 13, 2019

Walk of Shame

It takes a brave person to show you there deep dark secrets!
I'm not sure that brave describes's more like stupid.
My little Bernina is my work horse machine. 
It just takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'
Oops, wrong company, sorry Timex!

Recently "Desert Bloom Quilting" wrote a post for the 31 day blog writing challenge.
It was about machine maintenance, which got me thinking...
 it's been awhile for my old boy.
AND... "Wooden Spools" was having a Bernina repair event in their shop.
I don't know about where you live, but repair times are crazy long around here.  
So when I saw it was appointment based, and I could get it done in an hour, 
I was on the phone!

I dropped it off and went to breakfast.
When I got back,  Mr. Repairman Kurt was waiting, armed with  photos.
Darn cell phones anyway!
YIKES, he has put me on the Bernina naughty list!
While they all look bad, this photo is probably the worst. 
All that "stuff" was working it's way into the motor and
he had to use a dental pick to remove some of the lint.

Yes, I do clean it but apparently not nearly as often as I should, and...
let me clear my throat...
Never never never never used canned air.
Yes, I've heard that, but I was blowing it from the back of the machine to the front.
What harm could that be???
You would think I hadn't bought a little "tank" vacuum made especially for 
cleaning out sewing machines!
You know I will be using it constantly now.

With all this being said, this machine ran like a top and didn't act like
it was the least bit unhappy. 
I've had many different machines...but my Bernina tops them all.

Thank you "Desert Bloom Quilting" for giving me that
kick in the pants, to get this machine in!
Lesson learned....
And that's how bloggers inspire!
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Believe it or not, I have seen worse. I never use can air, just my little vac (actually for cleaning my computer). Q-tips, tweezers, and even toothpicks are in my supply box for cleaning - along with cleaning rags, silicone spray, and machine oil.

  2. Omg, that’s really bad. Lucky you to make an appointment and not wait weeks....And not having to mKe seperate trips! I always used brushes or pipe cleaners to remove fuzz from bobbin case and surrounds but recently discovered silicone mascara brushes, they really grab the fuzz. I found them in the Dollar store in makeup section. Merry Christmas and happy sewing.

    1. Silicone mascara brushes are on my list of must haves. I sew six hours a day seven days a week and make an average of thirty+ quilts a year. Took my Janome Horizon in for service after five years of use. It did have some thread and a fine pin but very little else but it was out of time so I will be taking my machine in more frequently.

  3. Thanks for the reminder!! My Janome was last professionally cleaned in 2011. I don't use it every day, or even every week, but it is time. Thankfully I can easily clean my longarm so it doesn't get all gunked up. I can't do that with my Janome. I'll be taking it in after Christmas.

  4. You are brave to share. Appreciate your humility and willingness to change. You are an inspiration to us all. Really!

  5. Good reminder! I hate being without my machine (even though I have another) so it does get neglected longer than it should. Thanks!

  6. Oh My Gosh!!! I have friends who are machine techs at my local Bernina shop and your photos are the worst I've seen! Yipes! And of course your machine just plugged along like nothing was wrong. So glad you shared your walk of shame. I clean my machine with every bobbin change.

  7. Your post was a little walk down memory lane for me! I used to shop at Wooden Spools and Kurt was my trusted repair guy the entire time I lived in Littleton (over 18 years)...I do miss CO but the grandkids are here in Florida. It's pretty wonderful to have them one house away! Enjoy the snow! (I now live in Tallahassee, FL so no snow.)

  8. Wowzer. Yes, I don't use canned air but it's so tempting. I always clean my machine after I put it away or whenever I change the bobbin, whichever comes first. I loved my old Pfaff that I could open the faceplate and really clean it out well. I don't like the don't oil it type either. One blogger said she opened hers up and the needle holding mechanism was dry as a bone. So I take a Q-tip and put a tiny bit of oil on it and rub it on. At least I know that little thing-a-ma-jig has some oil and I go ahead and oil the bobbin case and another thing-a-ma-jig that constantly rotates while I sew. I wipe off excess oil. I think oil-free maintenance machines came into being so you have to take your machine in more which means more money for them. I don't have a good reliable repair place to take my machine so clean it and oil it just a wee bit I do. I also love my 1948 Featherweight because I can pretty much clean and maintain her myself with a little help from my trusted online site. I even bought her a new pedal and LED light from them. I'd like to get her the new table someday they came out with recently.

  9. I was wondering how you got the photos of the inside of the quilt - so nice of your repairman to share them with you. My Viking has lots of spaces that allow easy access for the lint to hide in areas I can't reach. And my dealer sends the machine to Detroit for cleaning so it is a two week wait. Luckily the Detroit cleaner didn't send any photos!

  10. Thanks and I told Desert Bloom too.

  11. You could use this as proof of all the sewing you do? Okay, maybe not.
    I attended a workshop several years back with a sewing machine mechanic and he took us through quite a few maintenance ideas. Mostly to do with cleaning and changing needles - mostly what we already know but good to refresh. But one thing he did stress was to cover the machine when not in use as dust particles land on top and are pulled in by the cotton.

  12. YOu naughty naughty girl.... and no canned air (shh shhh)..... I need to find one of those vacuums. Thanks for the reminder to clean the lint. Nothing like a machine that sings instead of croaks.

  13. OMG Joan it looks like you sheared a sheep with all that lint, lol!!!!! I probably clean my machines too much because I notice when the stitching is off a bit and so I clean it and change the needle. A friend of mine did the same thing as you and sent me a photo of all the lint in her machine and I also told her it looked like she had sheared a sheep!

  14. I post my dust bunny pics to self shame too but I think you take the prize!! Lol
    I have that tiny vacuum and maybe it's the brand but mine sucks! And not literally...

  15. My 2 Berninas I keep fairly clean, but today I opened my serger door because of a broken thread and I discovered a situation that was getting close to your mess!


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