Friday, February 14, 2020

Coming Soon...Color It Red Blog Hop

The clock is ticking...
It won't be long.
Make sure you don't miss the "Color It Red" blog hop,
hosted by Carol, at Just Let Me Quilt.
Starting Monday Feb 17.

February 17th

February 18th

February 19th

February 20th
February 21st

Speaking of hops...
I'm just putting together the schedule for 
If you would like to join us, we would love to have you.
You can read more on it

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. I'm ready for a red week. Have a nice weekend!

  2. You must be the blog hop find the most interesting ones ever.

  3. Love the March Hare. Happy Color It Red Blog hop. I can't wait for it to see your project and show mine!

  4. I love this quilt! Thanks for sharing the link. Brook Nolan has some wonderful cross stitch patterns. Wonderland Collection is on my list.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!