Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Stitching Sunshine Blog Hop

We all need a little sunshine in our lives these days.
2020 has been one for the records so far.
Covid, protests, crazy weather...
Have you ever heard of a Derecho?
We had one here a few weeks ago. 
Its a large powerful thunderstorm with straight line winds,
 that cause widespread destruction.
80 mph winds, ripped out 2 of our almost 100 year old trees.
Many old trees in town were destroyed, store windows were blown out,
 campers flipped, roofs blown off, oil tanks under construction collapsed. 
It was quick and crazy.
Power went out, but thankfully we were only effected for about 2 1/2 hours.
It took 2 1/2 days, for many to get theirs back.

I'm hoping in my heart of hearts that it blew away any signs of the Covid virus
and we can all get back to normal now.
With all this going on, it's hard to focus on the good in life some times.
So I turned to NPR (National Public Radio) one day 
and was listening to a psychologist talking about
ways to deal with all the stress.
Her recommendation was to  
What you ask???

It was then, that I  knew what my Stitching Sunshine project had to be.
Yellow isn't a color I work with  much, but after searching stash, 
I found a piece, that I hand dyed a few years ago, that would work quite nicely...

...and I started stitching my sunshine.

This is my "Smile" quilt. 
A reminder, that it's the only thing we can do some days.

This little 23"x 33" quiltie with simple text 
and some straight line quilting, sends a message, 
I love seeing when I go into my quilt room every day.

...and if you need another reason to smile

With all the destruction from our "Derecho",
my toilet planter was untouched!

So thank you Carla, for helping get us out of our "funk"
 by stitching a little "Sunshine".
Do you ever find yourself thinking the universe is telling you something?
Just after I finished writing the post, I treated myself to a dark chocolate
"Dove" bar.
You know how they always share words of wisdom on their sticks...
Yep, it's a sign I tell you.
And if "Dove Bars" tell you  so, you know it has to be the gospel!

Please visit my fellow bloggers and see what is sunny, 
in their neck of the woods.
Monday, June 22nd

Tuesday, June 23rd

Wednesday, June 24th

Thursday, June 25th

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Thank you for the smile! I'm glad are all right, and still making sunshine for the rest of us!

  2. You made a beautiful little quilt just the right time for us to feel that it's still hope. June has been all sunshine in Norway, and we're starting to live again. So stay strong and smile.

  3. I think your smile quilt is perfect. And I do love the sentiment that goes with those letters. Thank you for today's smile!

  4. Yikes, I'm glad you're OK! Your quilt is charming and your toilet planter is lovely too!

  5. So that was a scary time, I hope everyone was okay. Your quilt was the perfect solution for this hop and a great sentiment we all need. What thread do you use for all your applique-and wow you do a whole lot of it too!

  6. Love your sunshine!! and the saying -- Thanks so much for sharing

  7. I had seen an article about the need to laugh. I think it’s easier to SMILE through this than to laugh every day. Your quilt definitely made me smile.

  8. Love your project! We sure do need to remember to SMILE these days (and any day)!

  9. A little laugh and a smile can make even the worst situations better. It's great survival tip for life. Thanks for sharing your cheerful projects and wit.

  10. This is a great post and wonderful finish. I love the hand dyed fabric too.

  11. I've never heard of Derecho and I never want to see one. It sounds so scary and destructive! I'm glad you're safe, but so sorry about those trees being uprooted. Your banner is beautiful and a great reminder to look for miracles to make us smile...like your toilet. LOL Thank you for sharing your sunshine!

  12. Glad your safe and I will smile with great intensional 😊❤️

  13. So glad that you are safe and that the planter survived unscathed. Love, love, love your banner and thanks for it's background. I need to so something with the concept. Thanks, I think.

  14. SMILE is right and so gad you are ok (and of course the toilet planter)! I might have to join you in reading the tea leaves on Dove Bars! You were definitely getting the message, but I think I need this message somewhere in my house....I love it. How did you do the top photo...curious minds want to know (and I am glad you didn't make that, be still my heart!).

  15. We all need a little SMILE whether it is on a quilt or on the Dove bar stick.

  16. What a cute quilt (and a great reminder!) Thanks for sharing it for the Hop.

  17. Such a beautiful project. Your hand-dyed fabric brings joy and smiles.

  18. That is a wonderful motto to live by! I love the mini you made out of it, too - perfect to hang in your sewing room and make you smile every time you walk in. The Derecho sounds horrible. They told us we had one of those here in No. Colorado, too, but our damage was nothing like that. So hard to lose those wonderful trees, but I'm glad you weren't hurt.

  19. I love this. Not only is it a beautiful project, it is also a great motto.

  20. Joan, you are truly an inspiration! I can always rely on you to make me smile. What a perfect quilt for stitching sunshine. It's just beautiful! Thanks so much for brightening my day!

  21. My kind of ice cream! Seriously, though, this is fun and a great sentiment to live by.

  22. What a great sunny project with a wonderful sentiment, echoed by your treat.
    Glad you are all okay and that the toilet planter made it through the storm.

  23. Yes, our world is likely forever changed. Your little quilt is really pretty.

  24. Hi Joan! I Love your "See Miracles in Life Everyday!" What a great reminder to look for them! And as your Dove bar proves- they do happen! Happy Quilting!

  25. Wow, even with the derecho you made me smile today! I try to write about gratitude daily in my journal, but sometimes a smile is all I have. I'll take it!

  26. Kathy R.
    Your quilt is lovely. It is so bright and cheery. It also fits,I started ending my sons texts with a smiley face and the word smile to pep him up. The job hunt is getting to him, so maybe a daily smile will help.

  27. Your pretty wallhanging definitely says "Sunshine". Well done.

  28. It's such a gorgeous project and has added a little bit of extra sunshininess to my day. Thank you :)

  29. Perfection I tell you, perfection. Thank you for this wonderful smile. You always cheer me up with your humor and today, this quilt is it!!! Thank you!!!

  30. What a great project, enough to bring a smile and sunshine to any day!

  31. Your post made me smile. Who are you going to trust, if not a Dove bar? ;)

  32. This is just great. I think the quilt and the potty planter are something to make you smile every day. Thanks.

  33. Great advice from both the psychologist and, especially, the Dove bar. I love the quiltie and the advice. Now, to pick up some of those Dove bars! :)

  34. What a wonderful blog post!! I just love your optimism and sharing of wisdom. Yes indeed, we need a little sunshine now more than ever. That storm is just what your community didn't need!!! Woah...hope that no one was injured too badly. I love your quilt so much. How great to have found the fabric for the base and then a message to lift the spirits!! This is perfection!!! Thank you so much for sharing and for the tip on Dove bar inspiration. Now I have another reason to eat ice cream!!!

  35. Joan, you ALWAYS make me smile!! I love your quilt. It really made me smile. The quote is perfect. I may have to borrow that quote and create something myself! Love it! And that toilet planter really made me smile. So sorry about the loss of your trees. We've had a lot of t-storms lately with straight line winds. Thankfully we haven't lost any trees. We are surrounded by trees. We have had roof damage several years ago from wind and hail. Had to get a new roof from that. So glad you guys are ok. Thanks for sharing your sunshine with us!!

  36. Thanks Joan! I really love your "Smile" quilt, and I'm glad that you are safe from the storms.

  37. Joan - your project is spot on! Yes, we do need to smile more, and yes, I do believe the universe tries to tell us things, as it's happened to me a lot lately. I just know that I'm blessed to be where I am in my life.

  38. OMGosh, I love this project... I'd love the pattern if you release it someday do let me know. Your dyed fabric is also really wonderful, I love the variegation of color in the fabric. Great project Joan.

  39. Thanks for participating! I love your quilt and its lovely message!

  40. Your quilt design is fabulous, and your message even better. I don't often listen to NPR, but that fellow hit it right on. There ARE miracles happening every single day. We find what we look to see. Thanks for your post, as well as the beautiful quilt.

  41. SMILE...isn't that wonderful. It is about all one can do when there's not much else that's positive. Your quilt is perfect - what a reminder for your day(s). Yellow is a hard color fabric to find and I'm right there with you...I don't use it much. When I do find a yellow, I most usually buy for my stash since I'm always in need. Have a happy sunshiny, smiley kind of day, Joan.

  42. Awesome little quilt. I like that "See miracles in everyday"....have you ever noticed if things are going awry if you look at the funny side of it, lots of times it doesn't seem so bad.

  43. Your quilt is perfect. And I love Dove bars too.


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