Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Words to Grow By BOM...November

The early release of the November block is all about "caring"

This little "Care" bear is floating high, with his balloon bouquet!

Just a note...any remaining patterns will be released and available, free of charge
until the end of September.
After that, they will be available for a small fee.

If you are looking for this block. It is available in my Etsy Shop

Not a fan of tracing?
Check out EZ Print from Thermoweb. 
These printer friendly sheets take the hassle out of applique!

I just have to share...
You know that feeling, when things in your head, just don't translate
 into fabric the way you want them too?????
I was thinking of "Care Bears" and their bright colors.
Sickly green just didn't make the cut though!
Just a little heads up when you look at the pattern and think...

Unforeseen circumstances have forced us to take a break.
We, of course won't leave you high and dry. All blocks are being released early.
Happy Dance!!!! 
You can read the official announcement on our Facebook page.
This page will be left open so you can continue to share your blocks with us
 and ask questions.

Below is a list of all the blocks for this BOM with links.
I will update this list with new blocks and links as I finish them.
You will be able to find them on our Facebook page as well.

Sew Incredibly Crazy

Sew Incredibly Crazy

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Thanks so much Joan. This block is definitely one that we need in today's trying times.If there was more caring in this world, it would be a better place for all of us. Have a wonderful day!

    1. P.S. Green is my favorite color so I kinda like the second bear. I think he is really cute.

  2. Love this block and so perfect for today's world. Just adorable.

  3. I love this block and it so perfect right now. Ps. I think my bear may be green love it.

  4. Thank you, Joan! Running behind, but finally got here! LOL Story of my life!!!!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!