Wednesday, August 12, 2020

One Fish Two Fish...You can sew it too Fish!

While the dog days of summer are rapidly coming to an end, 
it's not to late to enjoy the pool or beach.

Having your own special towel is an added bonus.

This fun little goldfish complete with scales, is easy to do
 with with "Crafters Edge" dies.

as well as with Accuquilt GO cutter, with a conversion plate set

Start by fusing a piece of  HeatNBond Fusible Interfacing on the back 
of your main body piece. 
(This gives it the stability it needs to stitch the scales on) 
Fuse HeatNBond Lite Fusible Web to the back of the fabrics
 for the fins, scales and eye.
Cut out all pieces.
Note:  fish is not fused to the background. 
Start adding the scales from the back to the front, fusing then stitching
 each row as you go.
The back will look something like this when you done.

Spray the back on the fish, fins and tail. Arrange on towel, 
tucking fins and tail under where needed

Stitch down, being careful not to catch the loops of the towel.

til next time...
Keep your head about water in these crazy times!
and...Keep on Stitchin'


  1. So cute! I just bought the fish last week and can’t wait to use it.

  2. They look like a lot of fun.
    They sure do have a great range off designs at Crafter's Edge. Very tempting.

  3. So cute, Joan! Do you like that adhesive? I have tried others but they seem too sticky. Is this more like HeatnBond Lite? I could use a little help basting my quilt sandwich together for my Peace Village blocks!!

  4. Very cute. Great colour choices.

  5. So much fun! I love this and it really is just a perfect little project.


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