Monday, August 10, 2020

Words to Grow by BOM October

We have all had a dream or two I'm sure.
Carla has shared a dream on the more positive side. 
She's brought us right back to our childhood with this sweet little block.
Remember that saying...snug as a bug on a rug?
Well this little bug has the cutest leaf as his rug, 
and what about that dreamy bed...
Complete with a quilt of flowers on top.
Yes, I'd love to crawl into it and not come out til Covid is over.

Here is the January Star block. Thank you so very much Carla.

We know this has been a very unconventional year in many ways.
Unfortunately, it has not been any different for us either.
Circumstances beyond our control have forced us to deviate from our usual format
of one block a month for a year. 
This year we have chosen to release all of the blocks
 for this BOM.
They are all now available and links for each are provided below.
Blocks from August thru January of 2021 will be available
 until the end of September free of charge.
After that they will be available, for a small fee.
We so appreciate your understanding and patience with us this year.
Now that you have all your blocks, we are excited to see your quilts.
Our Facebook group is open as always for sharing and questions.

Uploaded to Facebook by Just Let Me Quilt
(the link is in the files on the Facebook group page)

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Your blocks look amazing, which makes me want to redo mine of course. It's been a really tough year, harder for some, so I'm hoping Covid goes away soon. I need normal back in my life, but I'm not sure what normal is anymore.

  2. Love all your fabrics, Joan! I especially love that star block!!

  3. These are all looking great. Can't wait to see them all together.

  4. Couldn't figure how to post a comment on the facebook for the Words to Grow By BOM team but wanted to do a huge "thank you" for completing this BOM and look forward to the next one.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!