Friday, August 7, 2020

Words to Grow By BOM...August

                                                   It's finally here...
The center block you've all been waiting for.
You have been so patient with us and all our changes, so without further ado...
We all need a little love in our lives, and what better way to survive the crazy days
we have been living with this year. 

If you are looking for this block. It is available in my Etsy Shop

Not a fan of tracing?
Heat N Bond EZ Print products by Thermoweb, make it easy.
Just pop in your printer and your ready to go.
You can check it out 

Again we do apologize for the unforeseen issues we have had this year.
This is the last block of the BOM that has not already been released.
I have a complete list below of all blocks with links, for where to find them.
I will be updating with my block photos as I complete them.

Please note...the August through next January patterns all have been released. These blocks will be free of charge until the end of September.
After that, they will be available for a small fee.


Uploaded to Facebook by Just Let Me Quilt
(the link is in the files on the Facebook group page)

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Thank you Joan. I appreciate all of you for taking the time to make these patterns and sharing them with us. They are very meaningful in their own ways, especially with everything going on. This has been a horrible year for everyone. So I am hoping and praying that things will be much better soon. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thank you so much to all of you for finishing off the patterns. It has been a challenging year, for sure.

  3. We all need a little lovin at times... great block Joan, thank you!!

  4. Thank you so much for the pattern. And a BIG THANK YOU to all the designers for finishing all the blocks for this series. For sure that was love!

  5. Thanks for this great block, Joan. And thanks to you, Carla, and Carol for completing this set of words to live by for us! I appreciate each of you! I don't know about everyone else, but these QALs and blog hops keep me going - especially right now!

  6. Thank you for sharing all these blocks. I pray that what ever the difficulty was will be taken care of with out too much difficulty. But with that thank you so much for finishing the series. blessings

  7. I hope whatever the situation was that caused the delay has been righted. 2020 has been a strange year all around. I do wish you and all the designers the best. This BOM has been particularly encouraging this crazy year. I am curious about the borders...not all of us are on facebook. Will border instructions be posted on any of your websites?


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!