Sunday, November 29, 2020

It's Thanksgiving weekend...
There are shards on my cutting mat...
That must mean it's Quiltville's Mystery BOM time again!
Yes, while some people pair socks, others pair their wine, heck you even have to pair your bluetooth devices...
But me, I spent my time this weekend pairing my "Sensuous Grays and Honeycomb fabrics.

It's Bonnie Hunter's "Grassy Creek" Mystery time.
These are the colors she is using this year.
I personally like to stick to her plan. It's much less stress on my brain, and she has really forced me out of my box and into working with colors I would never have dreamed of!

Check it out, over on her Quiltville blog HERE.
Everything you need to know is under the Grassy Creek tab at the top.

What's under the needle in your sewing world this weekend?

Don't forget  "Just Let Me Quilt's" Virtual Cookie Exchange starts 

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Turkey MugRug with a Twist

With Thanksgiving upon us, we turn our thought to "Turkey" of course.
This little mugrug will bring a smile to those of all ages.
You can find the free pattern on the Thermoweb blog

Save some room after your dinner tomorrow, because Carol's "Virtual Cookie Exchange" blog hop starts next Tuesday. There is a great lineup of bloggers just waiting to share their favorite holiday recipes and project with you! 

I am feeling the need to find my super stretchy sweatpants for this one, already!

Wishing you a very safe and blessed Thanksgiving.

Don't miss the great Black Friday sale at Thermoweb.
Check it out  HERE

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Black Friday Sale...

I know many of you are getting ready to start preparations
 for your Thanksgiving feast,
but I wanted to share a great sale with you that is going on, right now.

Thermoweb is offering a 30% discount on orders over $35 if you live in the continental US.
There is no better time to stock up, for future projects.

Check their sewing and fabric supplies  

or for you paper craft lovers...

Carol and I have been busy working away on the new BOM for 2021, for our Cackling Stitches Facebook page. You might want to take advantage of this great sale to stock up on 
Let's just say, there is a big plus to not having to trace.
Printing the pieces right onto the fusible is the best.
I would highly recommend it.
Hint hint...just sayin'
Have a wonderful Thankgiving. While it will be a very different one for many of us,
 it's much better to be safe then sorry.

til next time...
Keep of Stitchin'