Oh, I am so dreaming about salt and sand right now...and not the kind I needed a week ago. With our big storm, we needed all the salt and sand we could get, just to clear a path. It ended up being the 4th biggest storm in state history and my car looked like a giant snow cone! I had to shovel a 4' drift, just to dig it out.
Dreaming of this blog hop is what got me through it all.
My project for this hop, is a pattern called Sea Shells, by
I raided my hand painted fabrics for the backgrounds.
There was even salt and some sand used in the process.
Years ago I took a 2 day class on fabric painting. We used Jacquard Lumiere and Pebeo Setacolor paints. If you look closely you can see little dots. Those were created by the salt. It as a very interesting process, but collectively the class decided that I have absolutely no sense of color. While everyone was getting beautiful color fabrics, and mine were all these drab gray green things.
Who knew that eventually there would be a project they would work in.
The timing for this hop couldn't have been better. I just bought a new sewing machine with a stitch regulator and I needed to play. This sampler was a perfect place to do just that. Since I was just playing I even dug out some of those goofy stencils that you chalk onto your fabrics. While I'm in love with my new Bernina, I'm foiled again...just because I have the toys, doesn't mean I'm a pro at anything!
I see a lot more practicing in my future!
Back to that storm though...with being stuck at home, I had time to do another
project for this hop. This one's been in my "must do" pile for quite some time.
It's definitely a little more on the "Salty" side.
In fact, you can probably hear the song...
Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho...
If you have ever been to a Disney park and ridden the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, you know just what I'm talking about. LOL!!
This twin size quilt is "Fishy, Fishy Fishy" from the "Red Boot Quilt Company"
I just love all the little sea life creatures and the bright colors.
Heck even that pirate ship and of course "baby shark" (do do do do do do...)
Let that song, get in your head for the rest of the day!
If you love the pattern as well, it's on sale until midnight March 26. That is Australia time and they are a day ahead of us here in the US. Hurry on over
HERE to find the pattern.
Thanks Carol for hosting this sandy and salty hop for us.
I had the best time stitching for it.
Please visit my fellow bloggers today and check out their Salt and Sand projects.
Leave them a little love, too. Sweet comments make our hearts grow warmer.
Just like laying on the beach, soaking up the rays!

March 23
MooseStashQuilting (your here)
Life in the Scrapatch
Food for Thought
For The Love Of Geese
Becky’s Adventures in Quilting and Travel
Karrin’s Crazy World
Sew Many Yarns
Kathy's Kwilts and More
For a complete schedule click HERE
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'