Monday, April 26, 2021

I'm Jumping In

I was so excited when Carol "Just Let Me Quilt" and Carla "Creatin in the Sticks
asked me to share hostessing their monthly blog hops with them.

June will be my month and after some thinking on a theme, 
I have landed on "Fairy Tales"

What's your Fairy Tale?

Slaying dragons
Glass Slippers
Getting corners to match on our quilts
Someone other than me taking out the trash
Riding down the beach on a horse, with the "I can't believe it's not butter" guy...

Hey, a girl has to dream!

Put on your thinking cap and tell us what your Fairy Tale is.
I bet we can all get a laugh and a big dose of inspiration from you.

If you want to join in, drop me an email at

Put "Fairy Tales Blog Hop" in the subject line.

Tell me your 
Blog name
Blog link
Date preference, if any. 

A big thanks to Carla for her "Stitchin' in the Kitchen" Hop.
My mind is swimming with ideas from everyone.

Don't forget Carols next hop

Oh, and Carol and I are so excited...
We have talked Carla into designing with us in our Cackling Stitches group.

Carol came up with the perfect new header for our group as well...
There we are, the 3 of us stirring the pot.
You know, that no good has to come from that!
We would love for you to join in on the fun with our group, if you haven't already!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. I'm so excited to stir the pot with you two and you know I'm in for a fairy tale!

  2. Sounds like lots of great ideas are brewing!

  3. Well, this is so much fun! Glad you are helping out....its a great team! I’ll email you details so I can join in!

  4. Oh what fun, can't wait! Anytime the 3 of you are involved is always fun!

  5. Joan as soon as I think of an idea, I will sign up, but better not disappoint, so I need a plan in mind first. I know it will be a blast. You 3 : Carol, Carla, Joan are the BEST!!!

  6. Yay Joan! I'm looking forward to the new blog hop :)

  7. I can see you having loads of fun with this one.
    My fairy tale would be to have a house cleaning fairy. And chances?

  8. This will be such fun! Thanks Joan!!

  9. My fairy tale would be me scootin' down the highway in a tricked out camper seeing the countryside.

  10. What a wonderful collaborative team!

  11. Sounds cute! I'll be watching.

  12. I'm in I'm new to all of this so I think learning should be fun not stress so I'm happy to be apart of it all.


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