Thursday, June 24, 2021

Fairy Tales Blog Hop Day 4

Welcome to Day 4 of our Fairy Tales Blog Hop.
Wow, Wow, Wow, that's all the words I have right now.
Yesterday brought us 6 fabulous new projects and a real life Fairy Tale, that would bring tears to anyone's eyes. Carol, Suzy, Julia, Elizabeth, Charlene, Anita you girls rocked Fairy Tale Land with all your creations.  I hope everyone visited these incredible bloggers yesterday.
Blog Hops are a fun way of sharing and inspiring each other.
It's like a quilt show, you can attend in your "jammies" any time of the day or night.
On to day 4 with seven more blogging buddies, who have been busy stitching away,
 "sew" lets show em some love today. Please visit them and leave sweet comments.

Thursday June 24


That Fabric Feeling

Ms P Designs USA

Quilt Schmilt

Patchouli Moon Studio

Days Filled With Joy

Goofin' Off Around the Block

I've set up a Pinterest Board for the Fairy Tales hop 


If  you haven't joined in on a hop, what are you waiting for?

We have one every month, and you're all invited.

Carol hosts "It's a Guy Thing" in July...

Carla hosts "Orange You Glad" in August

I'm back in September with "I'm falling for YOU" 
Carol hosts "Ghastly Ghouls" in October...
Carla hosts the "No Ring November Mug Rug" hop

Carol hosts her annual "Virtual Cookie Exchange"

So you can see, there is plenty of fun to be had!
Feel free to contact any of us if you want to play along.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

1 comment:

  1. I've only been catching the Blog Hops periodically but this one is absolutely the best I've seen! The creativity of the Bloggers and the stories they tell (including the Princesses Dahlia and Melody!). Truly a great Hop.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!