Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Ugly Christmas Sweater and Another Fun Filled 2022 Hop

It's always fun to put on a little extra "HO HO HO" at the holidays!
This "Ugly Christmas Sweater" mini is sure to make them laugh.

Thermoweb challenged us designers to come up with our favorites, and oh my goodness, the group went all out. There are adorable cards, and mini's and even a pillow.
You can check them all out

This 12" x 14" mini is quick to do, using these great products.

HeatNBond EZ Print Lite

No more tracing pattern onto your fusible

HeatNBond®Fusible Fleece

Adds body, padding and support to your project and quilts up nice and flat. It's definitely my preference over a standard batting.

SprayNBond®Basting Adhesive

No more pinning. This adhesive is oderless, colorless and doesn't gum up your needle as you quilt. It is repositionable and acid-free.

Hop on over the the Thermoweb blog HERE, and download my FREE pattern today!

It's time to start thinking about after "Ugly Sweater" season, too.

Our new hop for February of 2022 is...

Tickle us with your "Pink" projects.
Check out her posts HERE for all the details.

Send Carla an email with the following information:
Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL

Subject Line: Tickled Pink

PLEASE, email her the info.
I do know most of you, but if you don't send the info, we have to look up all your information. It sounds silly, but it's a huge time saver for us.


til next time...

Keep on Stitchin'


  1. That sweater is CUTE, NOT ugly! LOL Love it!

  2. That sweater is too darn cute to qualify as "an ugly Christmas sweater."

  3. That sweater is really not so ugly! Love it and this surely was a fun challenge.

  4. I love these sweaters ... can see them hanging on a line. I can find the applique templates for the nutcracker but not the instruction page. Would love to make it. Thanks for all neat patterns you always share. Happy Holidays

  5. Thankfully we don't have to worry too much about ugly sweaters here for Christmas because it is too hot to wear one. But that doesn't mean they are not around!

  6. LOL I'm with everyone else. The sweater is adorable. It's not ugly at all.
    Now I'm not sure I'd wear a sweater like that so maybe that's where the ugly comes in. LOL


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