Monday, January 24, 2022

Polar Bear Plunge Blog Hop Day 2 Coming at You


Oh my goodness, did you catch all the fabulous projects on day 1?

  • Carla delighted us, with the cutest bear quilt for her new grandson.
  • Anorina rocked the "improv" world with her fun pillow and incredible quilting.
  • Kim shared how to survive those cold Michigan winters, with her tea tray and showed us how to make sweet little trivets.
  • Daryl made the cutest can cover that would be perfect in my sewing room or anywhere else.
  • Kim, has designed another great block for this hop, in my favorite colors. 
  • Wendy solved that age old problem of moving frozen foods around, with her adorable polar bear tote bag.

This is definitely why I love blog hops! I want to run right down into my sewing room and start creating them all today! LOL!!

Don't forget you can see all of the projects this week on our "Pinterest" board

Day 2 promises to bring you more fun with these great bloggers...

Tuesday Jan 25

Just Let Me Quilt


Becky’s Adventures in Quilting and Travel

 Days Filled With Joy

That Fabric Feeling

Den syende Himmel


The complete schedule for the week, can be found

As I shared yesterday, my youngest did work on the arctic circle for 1 winter.

Here are more photos of the polar bears taken in the summertime.

NOTE: He did not take these photos. They had a computer at the camp, that anyone could share their photos on.

Its cold even in the me I know. I took a day trip to Barrow AK and liked to froze.
It was an incredibly interesting place to visit, though.

til tomorrow...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. What a great day of icy projects, Joan! Looking forward to more tomorrow.

  2. I am enjoying following along and it is a lot of fun seeing your photos, too.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!