Monday, February 28, 2022

Marching into the new year

March is upon us and this month we celebrate the spring flowers 
that will be making their debut.
This flag shares a bit O' the Blarney as well, after all, what's March celebrating St Patty's day as well.
I'm no green beer fan, or any kind of beer for that fact, but I do love me those little leprechauns!

This is another installment of my garden flags for Thermoweb.

With just a few supplies and these great products

ThermOWeb Pressing Paper 

HeatNBond Liquid Vinyl

You can decorate your garden too. 

This pattern is printer friendly. If you have never used HeatNBond EZ Print Lite, this is a great time to try them out. It takes 5 sets of flowers and leaves. Printing them saves oodles of time over tracing. 

"HeatNBond Liquid Vinyl" protects fabrics from the elements outdoors. It paint on easily and your brush cleans up with water. 

1 coat - water and stain-resistant

2 coats - waterproof and stain-resistant

3 coats - waterproof and stain-resistant with a semi-gloss oilcloth finish

The pattern is free to download on the Thermoweb blog


To all my  friends, Irish or not, may you always have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and a garden  full of blooms!

til next time...

Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Cute and so fun to signal Spring and St. Patrick's Day!

  2. You are so awesome at designing these seasonal flags. Yay SPRING!!!

  3. The daffodils are such a welcome sight in Spring.
    Looking good again.


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