Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Easter Bunny Garden Flag with Thermoweb

Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail...
Hippity Hoppity Easter's on it's way!

You too, can be ready for the big day with this fun garden flag.
What better way to kick off that Easter egg hunt?

With just a few supplies and these great products...

ThermOWeb Pressing Paper 

HeatNBond Liquid Vinyl

...your ready to go. 

You can download the "FREE" pattern on the thermoweb blog 


HeatNBond Liquid Vinyl protects fabrics from the weather and it's so easy to use. Just paint it on with a foam brush or a fine bristle paint brush and let it dry. Brushes wash up easily with water.
1 coat - water and stain-resistant
2 coats - waterproof and stain-resistant
3 coats - waterproof and stain-resistant with a semi-gloss oilcloth finish.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. What a gorgeous Easter flag. That sets the scene perfectly for the chocolate time!

  2. He's a cutie! Can you guess what song you've now got me singing in my head? LOL

  3. What an adorable Easter Flag. I love it. Super cute.

  4. Another fun flag from you! Oh, and thanks for the ear worm - ha ha!

  5. That is so sweet and perfect for Easter.


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