Friday, April 15, 2022

Springtime with a Whimsical Mini


Spring has sprung and I don't know about you, but I'm way past being ready for it this year!
I guess I should say, I was until I saw this...
Just why is it that even before I get the dead leaves from last year blown out of the rocks, the dandelions are blooming? Uggggh.

While I should be out taking care of that dandelion, because I'm sure his brothers, sisters, and cousins are waiting right around the corner to take up residence here, as well...
...but this "Whimiscal Spring Mini" that needs no weeding was calling my name.

Carol Swift from "Just Let Me Quilt",  Carla Henton from "Creatin' in the Sticks" and I have created "Spring Mini's" all week, for your enjoyment on the Thermoweb blog. Make sure you check them out and download your free patterns.

You can find mine HERE.

These products make quilt projects, so much easier.

HeatNBond EZ Print Lite - sheets are a fast, no tracing way to fusible applique. Just pop a sheet into your printer and print your applique pieces. 

 HeatNBond®Fusible Fleece - give a nice flat finish to your project when it's done. It's perfect for table toppers and mini wall hangings.

SprayNBond®Basting Adhesive - is a no odor temporary spray that keeps your backing and layers nice and smooth, while your quilting.

Have you tried using an acrylic paint for "dot" detail work?
It's so easy with a stylus. Once it's completely dry, you can iron it to set the paint.

Now on a closer look, my dandelion isn't the only thing growing in my yard. These daffodils are happily growing with another weed...go figure!

And my mini daffodils and hyacinth have just started to bloom.

Be it your indoor blooms or the outdoor ones, have a very Happy Spring!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. There's a lot of people who are leaving the dandelions for the bees, especially with the numbers of bees in such a decline. Something to think about!

  2. Why is it that the weeds thrive so well? The bulbs all look so pretty.

  3. That is another lovely mini. Spring sure has arrived for you. The daffodils are gorgeous.
    We are of course in Autumn but we still seem to have lots of weeds to deal with.

  4. That's a great mini quilt, Joan! Our daffodils have come and gone already. They are one of my favorite flowers. I wish they lasted longer here!

  5. Your daffodils are so pretty and even that naughty little weed looks cheery in yellow. Someday I have to come see your yard because it is full of so many cool things! Love that mini, of course.

  6. This mini is so cute! I love the stitching around the flowers. The whole thing is very bright and spring looking. My son, when he was a few years younger, was obsessed with dandelions and loved to find them in everyone's yards on our walks. But he called them Damberleins because he couldn't say dandelions--still makes me smile!


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