Friday, July 29, 2022

UFO Blog Hop Day 5


Well, in the blink of an eye, the week is over. That always makes me a little sad, but WOW, did my blogging buddies come through on this hop. So many projects are officially now complete. I can safely say that most of us unearthed more than we anticipated and at least have them on our radar now.

Danice shared her bright and beautiful Pachanga mystery quilt.

Julia finished up the cutest quilt and companion quilt from the scraps. I love bonus quilts! She and her daughter finished up a quilt from the early days of Covid when home schooling was going on. The smile on that little ones face, says it all. 

Beth finished up the sweetest baby shark quilt for her niece who was nominated for an Emmy in casting an animated baby shark show. I love how Beth refers her sewing room to Area 51. I can identify with that. LOL!!

Carol finished a beautiful wild flower table runner and some absolutely gorgeous projects that her Aunt had given her partially done. Then there's a Thimbleberry quilt that made my heart sing!

Lastly, I was taken over by aliens apparently! I unearthed 2 totes full of quilts that just needed quilting. Thanks to a long weekend and a lot of motivation for the past few months, and I got 15 projects finished. No fancy quilting for this girl. I was just on a mission to get er done! :-)

A big thanks to all my fellow bloggers, you rocked this week with your projects. 
It's a double edge sword though, as I bounce between ohhhh...I want to do that one next, and seriously, you still have 2 totes of PIGS that haven't seen daylight in years!

You can find all this weeks projects posted on our Pinterest board 

See you all next month at the


  1. I didn't get to join in all days of the hop but did enjoy seeing two days of participants. Maybe I can get the other days finished over the weekend. Thanks, Joan, for organizing. I really am impressed with those of you who get these going. I'm still a bit in shock after reading that you'd finished up fifteen quilts. (Insert emoji with a shocked look on it's face.)

  2. Thank you for hosting. There are so many unique and beautiful projects.

  3. Wow! 15 projects finished! That is amazing and such an accomplishment! Thanks so much for hosting the blog hop. I really enjoyed being a part of it. You do such a great job of previewing all the blogs!

  4. It was another great hop! Thanks so much.

  5. Thank you do much for organizing these great hops! I'm not a blogger, but love to see the creative posts from so many different people. Inspiring!

  6. Thanks fpr prganzing this hop Joan. Today when I visited your pintrest page to see all of the projects, I noticed one you tested for Dione. I tested the same one, and mine id not finished yet. hope yours will be my inspiration Thanks


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