Saturday, January 7, 2023

Challenge time...Sew It - Show It

We are just 2 weeks away from the beginning or our 2023 monthly challenges.

Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks is starting us off with a bang, with the
"Shades of Blue" challenge.

"Sweet on You" is the challenge I'm hosting.

Are you sweet on treats?
Are you sweet on stitching a special project?
Are you sweet on, well anything you love?
Share it and let your sweetness inspire us all!
If you want to play along, it's not too late.. Drop me an email with "Sweet On You" in the subject line and give me your info...

Carol from "Just Let Me Quilt" is  hosing the "Little Green Apples" challenge.

Sew something with green or apple fabric, or both!!!
What a great month to show off your green.
Drop her a line with "Little Green Apples" in the subject line and all your info, if you want to play along with us.

Come on and step up to the challenge with us...
Sew It -Show It and inspire us all!

In my quest for more organization this year, I have put together a list of the challenges this year and have started planning my projects.
Feel free to download it 
There is room to make notes on it as well as our email addresses.
You might find it handy to hang onto, yourselves!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Thanks for the list! I like to see what others do and often forget when challenges happen. I don't have a blog but some day I may do one of these!

  2. Thanks for the list! I'm printing it off and looking forward to each one! xx


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