Friday, June 9, 2023

Here We Go Again...

 A few years back Google stopped supporting their email subscription service for bloggers.

It was a big blow for those of us who have small personal blogs, but we all scrambled and found other platforms that could support our needs.

This week Carol at "Just Let Me Quilt" realized that her emails were not being sent when she posted new content to her blog. That got me thinking...I didn't remember seeing emails when I post either.

Mail Chimp cut off my service as well, because my readership had outgrown their free plan limit. That's fine and well, but there was no notification or contact of any kind from them. Their paid plans are expensive and have many hidden fees. It may be fine for big business's but for the home blogger, it just doesn't make any sense. So back to the drawing board as they say, once again.

I'm now trying ""

Unfortunately that means you will have to sign up again, if you wish to get email notifications on blog posts. I do apologize for that. Hopefully this will resolve things and we can all move forward.

The new button is on the right hand side bar.
For the time being I have moved my old button to the bottom of my blog. It is inactive and will be going away soon.

If you are a reader of Carol's "Just Let Me Quilt" blog, you will need to sign up with her again, too.

The timing could not be worse for us, with the "Cackling Stitches Group" BOM and our monthly "Challenge Hops" going on, but there ever really a good time for something like this?
Hopefully it doesn't disrupt things to much for all of you.
We are both keeping up our Facebook you can find the latest info from our blogs there.

On a much brighter note. In just a little over a week our June Challenge hop begins.

til then...
Keep on Stitchin’


  1. Thank you , Joan for letting us know about what has happened. I use Follow It too so I hope it all works out for you. Have a great weekend.

  2. Signed up....I hate this nonsense...sorry you had this experience, too.

  3. Will we need to re-sign up for the blog hops we asked to join to this new email? I sent an email several days ago for 3 you are doing but havent heard back.

    1. You’re coming up as a no reply blogger. I’m not sure I got your email. Please send it to me again, I’m so sorry, but I can’t get back to you any other way.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!